My well-deserved break from chess is coming to an end. And it will continue in full force, albeit in a completely new format! This post is intended to introduce this format and make you want to get started.
Meine wohlverdiente Pause vom Schach neigt sich dem Ende zu. Und es wird mit voller Kraft weitergehen, allerdings in einem völlig neuen Format! Dieser Post soll dieses Format vorstellen und Euch ein wenig Lust auf den Start machen.

Logo competition
I'll spend 30 HDB for the best logo! Suggestions please in the comments!
Logo Wettbewerb
Ich gebe 30 HDB für das beste Logo aus! Vorschläge bitte in den Kommentaren!
The new league will be populated with gamifications! That means everyone will be able to use different ways to earn points and move up the league. We all start with 0 points and in an unregistered state. As soon as you have registered, you will be included in the gold league and get 10 points to start with. Registration is now possible: By commenting on this post with your lichess name and transferring 1 HIVE or 1 HBD to my wallet. This money will be paid out in full! It is only to ensure that you can use your account and have full control over it.
Die neue Liga wird mit Gamifikations bestückt werden! Das heißt, jeder wird verschiedene Möglichkeiten nutzen können um Punkte zu sammeln und in der Liga aufzusteigen. Wir beginnen alle mit 0 Punkten und in unregistriertem Zustand. Sobald die Registrierung erfolgt ist wirst du in die Gold-Liga aufgenommen und bekommst 10 Punkte zum Start. Die Registrierung ist ab sofort möglich: Durch einen Kommentar unter diesem Post mit Deinem lichess Namen und der Überweisung von 1 HIVE oder 1 HBD auf meine Wallet. Dieses Geld wird komplett wieder ausbezahlt! Es dient lediglich der Sicherstellung das du dein Konto benutzen kannst und volle Kontrolle darüber hast.
The new leagues
After the first round, the top 20 will be promoted to the next league, the sapphire league . From this point on, the leagues will be extended to 4 weeks. At the end of the first 4 weeks, the first 20 will move up to the next league, the Ruby League
. Then come the Emerald League
, the amethyst league
and the Diamond League
to the end.
Die neuen Ligen
Nach der ersten Runde werden die ersten 20 Plazierten in die nächste Liga, die Saphir-Liga befördert. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt werden die Ligen auf 4 Wochen ausgedehnt. Am Ende der ersten 4 Wochen steigen dann wieder die ersten 20 in die nächste Liga, die Rubin-Liga
auf. Es folgen dann die Smaragd-Liga
, die Amethyst-Liga
und die Diamant-Liga
zum Schluß.
Extra points
Now the completely new part of the concept begins: You can get points at any time by completing additional tasks and thus rise in the rankings.
- Solve 10 tactical tasks: 1 point (
- Create a study: 3 points (
- Create an article with at least three games from the last SCCL tournament: 3-5 points at my discretion (scope, depth, pictures, comments...)
- Whole live stream of the tournament: 5 points
Zusätzliche Punkte
Nun beginnt der völlig neue Teil des Konzeptes: Du kannst jederzeit Punkte durch das Erfüllen von zusätzlichen Aufgaben bekommen und somit in den Platzierungen nach oben steigen.
- 10 Taktikaufgaben lösen: 1 Punkt (
- Eine Studie anlegen: 3 Punkte (
- Einen Artikel mit mindestens drei Spielen aus dem letzten SCCL-Turnier erstellen: 3-5 Punkte nach meinem Ermessen (Umfang, Tiefe, Bilder, Kommentare...)
- Ganzer Livestream des Turniers: 5 Punkte
Conclusion and claiming the points
I think this gives the weaker players a fair chance to improve their rankings. To get the points, a screenshot with date and name visible must be taken and posted in the comments. I only check randomly and rely on your fairness! I reserve the right to remove an appropriate number of points from any player for breaking any rules.
Fazit und Einfordern der Punkte
Ich denke dass damit die schwächeren Spieler faire Möglichkeiten haben ihre Plazierungen zu verbessern. Um die Punkte zu bekommen muß ein Screenshot mit sichtbarem Namen und Datum gemacht werden und in den Kommentaren gepostet werden. Ich überprüfe das nur stichprobenartig und verlasse mich auf Eure Fairniss! Bei Missachtung irgendwelcher Regeln behalte ich mir das Recht vor eine angemessene Anzahl an Punkten vom jeweiligen Spieler zu entfernen.
- Registration with your lichess name in the comments and transfer of 1 HIVE or 1 HBD to my wallet.
- Own articles for advertising are expressly desired!
- The HIVE or HBD of this post will be distributed equally to all players at the end of the season. Your payout is: Total earnings divided by the total of all points from all players, and then multiplied by your points. The more points the more payout!
- Rating in the weekly tournaments: 1st place 20 points, 2nd place 19 points, etc. up to 20th place 1 point
- Registrierung mit Deinem lichess Namen in den Kommentaren und Überweisung von 1 HIVE oder 1 HBD auf meine Wallet.
- Eigene Artikel zur Werbung sind ausdrücklich erwünscht!
- Die HIVE oder HBD dieses Artikels werden zu gleichen Teilen an alle Spieler am Ende der Saison verteilt. Deine Auszahlung beträgt: Gesamteinnahmen dividiert durch die Gesamtanzahl aller Punkte von allen Spielern, und dann multipliziert mit deinen Punkten. Je mehr Punkte desto mehr Auszahlung!
- Wertung in den wöchentlichen Turnieren: 1. Platz 20 Punkte, 2. Platz 19 Punkte, usw bis zum 20.Platz 1 Punkt
Code of conduct
- We play every SATURDAY 19 GMT in summer and 20 GMT in winter!
- We play on the free chess server
- An access there is set up in a minute with your email verification
- Total play time is 60 minutes
- Try to keep the games short so you can play more games
- Games must be started after 20 seconds, otherwise they are considered lost
- GMT time converter:
- Feel free to post your links in the comments, posts with own analysis get higher upvotes
- Team Page:
- Do not miss out the FRIDAY Tournaments by @stayoutoftherz
- Wir spielen jeden SAMSTAG 19 GMT im Sommer und 20 GMT im Winter!
- Wir spielen auf dem kostenlosen Schachserver
- Ein Zugriff dort wird in einer Minute mit E-Mail-Bestätigung eingerichtet
- Die Gesamtspielzeit beträgt 60 Minuten
- Versuche die Spiele kurz zu halten, damit Du mehr Spiele schaffst
- Spiele müssen nach 20 Sekunden gestartet werden, sonst gelten sie als verloren
- GMT-Zeitkonverter:
- Fühle Dich frei, Deine Links in den Kommentaren zu posten
- Bitte trete dem Team auf Lichess bei:
- Vermisse nicht die FREITAGS Turniere von @stayoutoftherz
Season 18: starting soon! (table is pre-register, not updated) | HIVE | League | Points | Total |
*************** | ******************* | ** | ****** | ****** |
lighteye | @lighteye | ![]() | 10 | |
stayoutoftherz | @stayoutoftherz | ![]() | 10 | |
HerbyW | @schamangerbert | ![]() | 10 |
Final result season 1 link
Final result season 2 link
Final result season 3 link
Final result season 4 link
Final result season 5 link
Final result season 6 link
Final result season 7 link
Final result season 8 link
Final result season 9 link
Final result season 10 link
Final result season 11 link
Final result season 12 link
Final result season 13 link
Final result season 14 link
Final result season 15 link
Final result season 16 link
Final result season 17 link Chess King: @stayoutoftherz Chess King: @ape-5th Chess King: @samostically Chess King: @anadello Chess King: @anadello Chess King: @anadello Chess King: @foxconnmars Chess King: @renerondon Chess King: @renerondon Chess King: @stayoutoftherz Chess King: @stayoutoftherz Chess King: @yazp Chess King: @yazp Chess King: @maverieux000 Chess King: @eniolw Chess King: @eniolw Chess King: @eniolw
See you next time! / Bis nächstes Mal!
Thank you for your attention! / Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit!
Original content by
I am in!
1 Hive sent
!gif chess
Solved 10 puzles
Next time please with date and your name visible, look to the other screenshots, thanks!
Via Tenor
I did some basic training:
Personally think it is too easy to get points that way. One could reset his progress and run through the whole programs (basic and practice) in a few hours if at all, and get up to 200 points by this, way more than by playing in the tournaments possible.
It needs to adjust the rules a little bit.
But cheating will get punished any way.
first, I see no date on your screenshot, so it is not valid, ok?
second, it is meant to be used by weaker players, so I will change the rules so that only players with below 1600 rating points can do it.
And it can only be used to 100 % once.
What do you think?
I like that adjustments, but with 1500 you can get 100 points easily and with 1700 not at all? Hmm. Maybe 10% = 1 points? But up to you.
Ich habe nun die Regeln geändert. Diese beiden Möglichkeiten sind verschwunden und zwei neue sind hinzugekommen.
There will still be a lot of questions regarding the rules. Internally, many rules are managed and not disclosed. But I'll clarify a few important questions here.
Es wird noch jede Menge Fragen bezüglich der Regeln geben. Intern werden viele Regeln verwaltet und nicht preisgegeben. Aber ein paar wichtige Fragen kläre ich hiermit.
finally reviving the monotonous chess landscape
Ледве нашкріб цей 1хайв:)
Registration with your lichess name in the comments and transfer of 1 HIVE or 1 HBD to my wallet.
1 chess-name on all sites:
lichess + + hive + dPoll = @hive-102040
lichess: ragnarokgame
1 hbd sent, nice and this is gonna be fun
Registration with your lichess name in the comments and transfer of 1 HIVE or 1 HBD to my wallet.
Pamboy27,I have already sent HBD
0.300 WINEXCongratulations, @theguruasia You Successfully Shared With @schamangerbert.
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WINEX Current Market Price : 0.164
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hello and welcome back
1 hive sent
new league sounds fun
Very innovative! I just sent over 1 Hive for registration.
How much time has one to do the extra tasks? Are they capped? What if one does from 0 to 100%, will he get then 100 points? And does it restarts at zero, in case one climbs up to the next level league?
"You can get points at any time" what is there not clear? If you do 1000 tactics then you get 100 points, easy. Today or tomorrow does not matter, after the league has started.
Points will climb with you to new colors :)
Some rules I will come up with if they needed :)
Solved 10 puzzles.
OK, that is 10 solved puzzles equal 1 point. That is exactly as it works. Unfortunately the league has not started jet. But I give you the point anyway for the early bird testing :)
This is exactly what I was going to ask. So, now training practically pay off! Bravo, @schamangerbert! :)))
I didn´t find a start date other than "any time".
Today I have solved 15 puzzles before I have asked how to send a verification. Then I have added 5 more to a full 20:
Would that be worth 2 points?
hi all
just to start somewhere
10 puzzles solved
1 Hive sent.
Lichess username: SanjamKapoors
Solved 10 puzzles
You are welcome!
I see only 8 solved. If you go to your profile page you will see it in a better way. You may also collect more days together, no problem.
And please, post on my latest chess post to make my live easier.
Oh, I am sorry for that I would be doing that next time then.
Thank you.
Schon ein wenig spät, aber bin auch dabei ;) Username auf lichess ist der Selbe
Please check the memo that you provided with the transaction, if it is something important let me know.
It's an encrypted memo. You can decrypt it e.g. on your wallet page on peakd:

But it's basically just saying, that this is the entry fee for primersion.
Good that it was not one of your keys!
I have just sent you 1 HBD as a registration, @schamangerbert. Good to see you back in the tournaments :)
Hi! it's an honor for me to be able to participate, I've been a bit inactive, so it will be a great challenge, HBD sent!! (astrolabiochess)
I already sent 1 hive and my nick in lichess is rosmarly. Cheers
Greetings @schamangerbert! I just transferred you 1 Hive, for the registration of this league, my lichess username is tony1294, it is called the same as my hive username. Please verify to include me in the list.
I was wondering what happened. Good to see you're back and with a new idea. I'll be sending the hive shortly. Looking forward to this new season. Especially with this new developments you've made.
Oh yes, and my lichess username is Da_k1ng
можливо такі?

Wow,It's going to be fun and a lot of calculations for you.
Great Idea... I'm in, I'd make payment soon😎
Registration with your lichess name in the comments and transfer of 1 HIVE or 1 HBD to my wallet.
I have sent it, I guess I'm in now :)
Registration with your lichess name in the comments and transfer of 1 HIVE or 1 HBD to my wallet.
You know what action it is for me to go back to old posts and search for the name, then find out that it has changed or not , or you play with an other name and so on. Just let it be easy and tell me your name and then you are in.
I'm sorry about that.
Lichess username is. Zgm_samostically
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
(1/5) @b0s tipped @schamangerbert (x1)
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Oh I was wondering where you had gone lol So nice to know about the new season and it seems you are working hard on coming up with new ideas. I am in! I am not sure if I can play all the rounds but I will try, see you there
If you can not play a round you may do some puzzles and get the points there to compensate, it is easy.
Waiting on my hive dollar to clear...
1 hbd sent
Your name on lichess is FC.... not Fc... it is a different name!
I'm sorry, my user is: FCastro17
I claim 1 point!
Cheers! I claim 1 point. do the tactics day today

Never claim the points on two posts for the same points again. Only on the latest post, ok?
My payment coming through!!!.
The king is coming.
Registration with your lichess name in the comments and transfer of 1 HIVE or 1 HBD to my wallet.
Hehe, we'll see. Goodluck
The Hivebuzz proposal already got important support from the community. However, it lost its funding a few days ago and only needs a few more HP to get funded again.
May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work this year?
You can do it on Peakd, ecency, or using HiveSigner.
Your support would be really appreciated.
Thank you!Dear @schamangerbert, we need your help!
I'm in.