I see that you have registered in the last season in the last round but you have not played there.
At the end of the season I delete all players with no rounds played, so you got deleted.
For the new season you had to register again.
It is really not against you, and I hope you will understand.
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Está bien, gracias por la amonestación, entiendo perfectamente. Me he perdido muchos torneos porque no veía publicaciones previas para estar atento, pero entiendo perfectamente, ahora haré lo posible para no perderme los torneos, pero me gustaría que colocaran un post días antes y nos etiqueten para estar más pendientes
My Saturday tournament is EVERY Saturday at the same time, since 5 years, like an atomic clock :)
Tagging from my side will never come up.
As team member on lichess you will get a message, sometimes only a few minutes in advance.