Hivechess Tournament Round 6: Guess who won!

in The Chess Community4 years ago (edited)

Dear Chessfriends,

ththth).in the yesterday´s 5+0 Swiss round we were 11 players. @jaki01 played flawlessly and was able to win all his games, congratulations! Second was again @yazp (zulukill) (third 2 place in a row!), followed by @zacherybinx (sirtetris) with 5 points each but with a different tie break. Fourth and fifth rank went to myself and @franciscomarval (lestatblack), also the same places we had last time. I was again quite unhappy with my games, I hope I can improve myself and blunder less in the next rounds. The remaining tournament points were taken by @pereu4ivatel (drakOnb) (6), @alberto0607 (7) and @maciejficek (XM9000) (8

The games of this round can be found here, in case you want to replay some of them.

Season 3 "Autumn": 11 Sep to 20 Nov 2020 / Standing after 6 rounds:

RankHive nameLichess nameRatingRounds playedPoints
4 (+1)@pereu4ivateldrakOnb1859616
5 (-1)@eniolweniolw2250314
7 (+4)@zacherybinxsirtetris2025311
8 (-1)@evgskevgchess1606511
9 (+4)@franciscomarvallestatblack182128
10 (-2)@rodrookrodrook139168
11 (-1)@maciejficekXM9000144257
12 (-3)@iobatesiobates202716
13 (-1)@uliseshbUlisesHB189614
14 (+5)@alberto0607alberto_0607157622
15 (-1)@schamangerbertHerbyW168432
16 (-1)@ambarvegasMilagritsos171310
17 (-1)@foxconnmarsFoxconn_Mars198910
18 (-1)@heimindangerskzap217610
19 (-1)@sammy00migmag143520

from m8loss and jonbellionfan I don´t have a Hive name and thus they are not counted yet

The rules you can look up in the announcement post.

No changes in the top ranks, @jaki01 could extend his lead and also @yazp (zulukill) could gain additional 2 points distance to the third place. @pereu4ivatel (drakOnb) regained the fourth place from the missing @eniolw. @zacherybinx (sirtetris) and @franciscomarval (lestatblack) could jump in the ranking today by 4 places each, and also @alberto0607 by winning his first tournament points ever could improve his ranking a lot!

See you next week and keep practicing! It will be a faster round.


 4 years ago (edited) 

@jaki01 played flawlessly ...

Well ... look at this position from the last round:

Until then I had played rather well, but during the last moves my wife had already entered the room and impatiently asked me when the tournament would finally be finished. In the same moment while saying "Wait, please!!" I made already the terrible mistake 15. Rc7??, after which black could have won my queen with 15. ... Bg4+! I saw it immediately after making that error, but black didn't see it, so that I could win the game and the tournament.

It's really the sad truth that compared to my rating I make lots of terrible mistakes. An extreme example happened in the previous tournament:

I was threatening 50 ... Qg2#. White played 50. d5 but I 'stubbornly' followed my plan and played 50. ... Qg2+?? to lose very soon, instead of simply taking the the bishop at e3. :-)

A little advice to the top rated player from the lowest rated player.:)

In the previous week I drink lots of water and tea instead of beer and juice. My focus and concentration improved greatly, I raise by rank from the 1400s to the 1600s in one week playing some really great games beating some highly rated players easily.

However this week I drink no water and very little tea and went on a three day losing streak where it was very difficult to win any games.


Congrats on your continued wins also congrats to @yazp and @zacherybinx !

Drinking water didn't help in my last tournament.:)

 4 years ago  

I raise by rank from the 1400s to the 1600s ...

Cool, lets see if I will rise to 2700, haha. ;-)

Ouch! Nice examples. In speed chess all kind of things are possible.

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