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RE: Chess Puzzle of the Day (Mar 1, 2022) | Problema de ajedrez del día (1-Mar-2022)

I could be wrong here... but it looks like stalemate. Black only has two forward pawn moves to b4 and b3, which would be at the same time the white pawn makes a queen. So there is no check and the queen still needs two moves for checkmate. It sounds like you were able to solve it for a white win though, so please do point out what I'm missing. :)


LOL. White does checkmate Black here. Think harder until you make it!

I honestly can't see it. The king has no moves without check and the pawn has two moves... white needs four for checkmate. But obviously I'm missing something fundamental.

Yeah, White doesn't seem to have time, because of the stalemate threat, but with a bit of imagination, White can get around that.

Seems like someone hit on the hidden idea. Check it out!