BIte the Bait

in The Chess Community4 years ago

Most players no know me as an eternal loser. Especially the ones that participate in Hivechess Tournament by @stayoutoftherz and various Bullet and Ultrabullet arenas. A player that faces me has guaranteed tournament points, even in paceros <1300 arenas.

I decided to participate in paceros <1700 Rapid 10+0 Arena, expecting to lose most of the games as usual. Surprisingly, I won four games, losing only one, and won 10 points! I guess it's just the beginner's luck. 412 players participated in the tournament, and in the final ranking, I was 32nd.

Here is the last game I played. My opponent will be anonymous.

1.♙e4 ♟e5, 2.♙d4 ♟exd4, 3.♙c3 ♟dxc3, 4.♕h5 ♟cxb2,

I have sacrificed almost all pawns at the left side and freed up space to call an attack.


5.♗xb2 ♞f6, 6.♕e5+ ♛e7, 7.♕xc7 ♛xe4, 8.♘e2 ♝b4+, 9.♘e2 ♝xd2+, 10.♔xd2 ♛b4+, 11.♗c3 ♞e4+, 12.♔c2 ♞xc3, 13.♘xc3 ♞a6,

I have had a good position to checkmate in three moves by moving the rook to e1. Black king couldn't run to f8 due to white queen at c7 that mat my moving to d8. So, the only solution should be queen b4 to e4 to protect the king. White rook should take the queen at e4, the black king had to move to f8... But, I have hurried to take the queen out of black knight's menace.


14.&#9813e5+ ♚d8, 15.♕xg7 ♜f8, 16.♕f6+ ♚c7,

Somehow I have driven the knight to the winning position by forking queen at b4 and king at c7. Moving black king to b8 was the only solution, and checkmate was unavoidable.


17.♘d5+ ♚b8, 18.♘xb4 ♞xb4+, 19.♔b3 ♜e8, 20.♕d6#

Black bit the bait easily. He took out every offered pawn and didn't mind about my intentions. He attacked without paying attention to the queen in his first line. He didn't mind of possibility that my defence was preparation for a counterattack.




Апсолутно браво, @vasigo! 😃👍 Требало је и да се појавиш на шаху960 код @schamangerbert-а, тамо би имао велике шансе против мене: 😁