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RE: A Few More Checkmates From Recent Games

a win is totally a win.

i tried playing chess against the computer on the airplane to brazil. i lost twice. i gotta practice. i like seeing your wins.

are you part of the hive chess tournament they do? i joined but i haven't participated yet. bunch of hivers have a like a bracket based mini tournament on fridays on lichess i think.


No, I'd totally join it though. do you have a link or anything for it?

yeah i signed up for it today but i missed the time i was supposed to play at so i forfeited. it would be funny if we got paired up in that tournament.

join this group. the password is Hive

heres the info about it

Is that the closest thing to like, a "ChessHive"?

yeah but now that you mention it, someone should make a chess hive. it wouldnt be that much more difficult than what we did with quest for stoken,,,

Ha - cool! Yeah I joined the group!