My Chess game against Serbian Player.

in The Chess Community3 years ago (edited)

I Forced my Opponent to Resign in 12 Moves.

Chess is a Game to understand the Mind of your Opponent and move accordingly.
Often defensive players don't accept their opponent's sacrifice. I take the advantage the of this weakness of my opponent and give a sacrifice move which was infact a blunder but my opponent was not able to understand it. He moved his queen instead of taking my knight in free. He thinks that this sacrifice may have a big planned background.

Always think before denying any sacrifice (this sacrifice maybe a blunder) because sometimes one wrong move can change your Victory into Defeat.

Here is my game.


Here is my Game Report and a Blunder which confirm my Victory.


Screenshot of my game after last move.


Special Thanks @v4vapid @schamangerbert @tungphong @chess-fitness @hive.curation @rafaelaquino @chessbrotherspro @vjap55 @eniolw @loboblanco @masoom @brujita18 @rodrook @rosmarly @mrsarri @adrianalara @negentropi @tony1294 for appreciating my last chess post and encouraging me to make new posts.


Obligé a mi oponente a renunciar en 12 movimientos.

** El ajedrez es un juego para comprender la mente de tu oponente y moverte en consecuencia. **

A menudo, los jugadores defensivos no aceptan el sacrificio de su oponente. Aprovecho la debilidad de mi oponente y hago un movimiento de sacrificio que de hecho fue un error pero mi oponente no pudo entenderlo. Movió su reina en lugar de tomar a mi caballero gratis. Piensa que este sacrificio puede tener un gran trasfondo planificado.

Piensa siempre antes de negar cualquier sacrificio (este sacrificio puede ser un error) porque a veces un movimiento en falso puede convertir tu Victoria en Derrota.

Gracias especiales @v4vapid @schamangerbert @tungphong @chess-fitness @hive.curation @rafaelaquino @chessbrotherspro @vjap55 @eniolw @loboblanco @masoom @brujita18 @rodrook @rosmarly @mrsarri @adrianalara @negentropi @tony1294 por apreciar mi última publicación de ajedrez y animarme a hacer nuevas publicaciones.



Hi! I find your mention in your post very gratifying. I like to make new friends and encourage them to continue on this wonderful platform as it is @Hive and blessings in this new beginning of the year!

Most impressed. My blunders are constantly abused, but sometimes the simple decision is the correct one.


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