In principle, I believe that it is necessary to educate the family and the community, to make them see that rights must be demanded, just as everyone must fulfill their obligations. Everyday events, however irrelevant they may seem, are political, and in freedom all opinions must be respected. In freedom it is essential to educate in order to avoid submission.
La educación, no debe suscribirse solamente al ámbito escolar, esta debe extenderse a la familia. El inicio de una verdadera educación ya sea cívica o política se halla en la educación recibida en la familia. Si en un futuro se quieren buenos políticos es necesario primero buenos ciudadanos, y si queremos buenos ciudadanos, necesitamos familias con valores bien establecidos.
Education should not be confined to the school environment, it should be extended to the family. The beginning of a true education, whether civic or political, is found in the education received in the family. If we want good politicians in the future, we need good citizens first, and if we want good citizens, we need families with well-established values.
La identidad individual, (que se construye a través de la educación), debe contribuir a instaurar proyectos de vida sólidos y en libertad, al tiempo que se deben establecer vínculos sociales que permitan un aprendizaje en conjunto. Las distintas comunidades deben coexistir y tener una relación que les permita intercambiar idea y opiniones, deben ser comunidades inclusivas.
Individual identity, (which is built through education), must contribute to the establishment of solid life projects in freedom, while at the same time establishing social links that allow learning together. The different communities must coexist and have a relationship that allows them to exchange ideas and opinions; they must be inclusive communities.
Siempre he oído que el lenguaje nunca es inocente; creo que esto se debe a que sus usos están siempre conectados con el discurso ideológico. Hay que tener mucho cuidado ya que a nombre de la libertad, las justicia o la democracia se esconden políticas autoritarias y represivas opuestas al bien común. Por todo esto, pienso que si poseemos una buena educación tanto familiar como académica podemos percibir y entender la espectacularidad y efectismo de los medios de comunicación, y la apropiación del lenguaje como propaganda política e ideológica.
I have always heard that language is never innocent; I believe this is because its uses are always connected to ideological discourse. We must be very careful because in the name of freedom, justice or democracy, authoritarian and repressive policies opposed to the common good are hidden. For all this, I think that if we have a good education, both familiar and academic, we can perceive and understand the spectacularity and efectism of the media, and the appropriation of language as political and ideological propaganda.
Debemos educar y educarnos para asumir nuestra libertad.
We must educate and educate ourselves to assume our freedom.
Gracias Comunidad por poner atención a la presente publicación.
Thank you Community for paying attention to this publication.
Me despido hasta una próxima oportunidad y sigamos hablando de Libertad.
I bid you farewell until next time and let's continue talking about Liberty.
*Ingles no es mi idioma materno, por lo que utilizo el traductor DeepL.
English is not my mother tongue, so I use the translator DeepL
This is an amazing line:
In freedom, it is essential to educate in order to avoid submission.
A submissive person is dependent and vulnerable, and submits to other people's beliefs. When we are submissive we run the risk of losing our free will and our intellectual autonomy, this damages us emotionally as it reveals a lack of love for oneself. Thank you for commenting.
The exchange of ideas civilly and productively is one of the cornerstones of ideological maturity. It's okay to disagree with someone, but it seems to me that where most people find issue is that they cannot disagree peacefully even if the hostility is only verbal. Being unable to disagree without resorting to verbal attacks on character, intelligence, etc., is counterproductive to growing ideologically. Good post.