Dong Saucer Racing Game

A couple years ago, after playing Wipeout 2049, I really wanted to make a racing game. I had no idea how to go about doing it but I downloaded Unreal Engine and started trying to figure it out.

I quickly realized that you needed to model things to go in your game and stumbled upon blender. So then, rather than learning to make make a game I had to first learn how to make 3d objects to go in the game. So that's what I did.

After months of messing around with all three programs (Unreal, Blender, and Visual Studio) and learning just how little I knew about anything, I also learned how difficult coding really was. It is really, really hard if you are trying to achieve result that are inline with your ideas.

My ideas were this:
I wanted flying saucer ships that ride around on a giant dongs that had the ability to do a number of things - like shoot things and create black holes that they could use to teleport to other parts of the track.

Now, I did learn blender and made the dong saucer which was imported into unreal. I made a track, got the ship moving, and actually did have it form a black hole and teleport.
It only would teleport one time though. I never did figure out full control of multiple places for it to appear at. Just one. And, it wasn't even with C++ but instead was with blueprints.

Plus the ship had multiple parts that were supposed to all be individually controllable - things like flipping the top off so an alien with giant arms could come out and fist pound the track. Or the dong detached from the ship, grew arms, and ran along side the ship and was able to do things. I don't remember. Getting control of the individual ship parts never happened. I don't remember exactly why but I think it had to do with the limitations of blueprints as they were without any complex manipulation/function building and the limitations of my coding abilities to put anything together properly.

To get to the point, coding is super hard and anyone that has the drive to pursue it on a meaningful level really does have some giant balls and deserves some commendation. I would really like to see someone make a game like this someday. Dong riding ships that can collapse space in front of them.