Investing 100k HBD

in AFuckedUpCommunityyesterday (edited)

21st oct hbd rb 2.png

As of today I've staked roughly 100k HBD. 15% APR is good. My biggest fear is Hive going to zero, and it could happen if Binance and/or Upbit suddenly decides to delist. APR offsets that risk.

Current biggest hurdle to buying HBD is sheer lack of access. Upbit seems to be the biggest exchange for HBD and there's barely any volume. My workaround is buying Hive through Upbit and selling it for HBD on the internal market.

(I'm South Korean. Because of regulations I have to go through South Korean bank, Upbit, and Binance to convert KRW -> Hive)

I don't like internal conversion because I noticed I lose around 3% in the whole process of converting KRW -> Hive -> HBD. There'll always be a difference between specific price on Upbit vs median price of 3.5 days. There's additional risk of USD/KRW exchange rate + kimchi premium. I convert as fast as I can per deal to make sure there's less than 1% loss. Internal market only offers a few thousand dollars worth of volume per day (for reasonable price), but as long as there's close to no loss I don't mind taking the time. As for other people, I'd assume it's just as difficult if not more to get HBD even if you're interested. I'd really like to see a better way to convert.

But generally, considering APR vs risk, I'm happy for now. Most of my money is in BTC for long term investment. For short term, staking HBD for guaranteed APR seems good.