I note you have an absolute ruler: you. Anarchy is a term for madmen, who are incapable of self control.
You are an autocrat, who rules themselves, as am I. As we all are, no matter what we call ourselves, or what politics we undertake. You can be a slimy Communist, but every morning when you get up, and at the end of every day, you rule yourself, every cell of you, from your hair to your toenails, with utter and absolute lawful authority.
I reckon I'm all the ruler I need.
I can't say it just like you, cuz I know how deeply people can be manipulated and "programmed"..
Self-re-programming also aint easy.
You really need to want it. Much work.
I see things decentralized, nature itself is decentralized - also our body.
It's not controlled from the brain. Each cell is independent. With their own job, supply and reproduction (each cell has their own dna.. it's not controlled from a centralized place, your brain)
these many decentralized cells form one big organism via natural mechanisms like self-organisation, self-responsibility, self-regulation.. like a free market economy
OTOH, all life is one immortal thing.
yea, that's the big organism, emergenced out of many little stupid things :)