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Exploring Port Wine in Porto / ポルトで味わうポートワイン

in Food & Culture10 days ago

I’m in Portugal 🇵🇹 My first stop is Porto, so of course, I couldn’t miss the opportunity to enjoy some Port wine. Produced in the Douro Valley of Portugal, Port wine is a fortified wine made by adding high-proof grape spirits during fermentation, which stops the process while preserving its natural sweetness and increasing the alcohol content for aging.

I first discovered Port wine in my twenties, thanks to a university friend, and since then, it has remained one of my favorite wines especially for autumn and winter.

I considered joining a winery tour or a tasting, but with so many options available, I found it hard to decide. On top of that, there were other things I wanted to do in Porto. Then I had a great idea: why not do a tasting at the hotel bar? The bar at my hotel, CUSCO, was the perfect spot—just a three-minute walk from my room, with a
riverside night view.

A selection of drinks from around the world, but since I'm in Porto, I go for Port wine 😉

On my first night, I had a 10-year Tawny from Seara d'ORDENS, and on the second night, a 20-year Tawny from Graham’s. Tawny Port is aged in oak barrels, giving it a nutty and caramel-like flavor.

The 10-year Tawny from Seara d'ORDENS had a sleek, stylish bottle, and you could tell just by looking at it that it was well-chilled. The bartender actually recommended the 20-year Tawny, but I wanted to compare the two, so I went for the 10-year first. It turned out to be a great choice.

How can I describe it? It was like drinking a concentrated essence of dried raisins... (I know, my vocabulary is failing me!). It was rich, smooth, yet surprisingly fresh. The bottle was also very cool-looking, and I immediately thought, I want to buy it as a souvenir.

Seara d'ORDENS 10-Year Tawny

Cheers with a beautiful night view

I was so impressed that the next day, I went searching for a bottle of Seara d'ORDENS in shops, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. When I had chance to talk with a wine tour guide, she told me that, unfortunately, there wasn’t. Later, the bartender also mentioned that Seara d'ORDENS is not a large producer, so it might be hard to find their wines.

This only made me more determined—I found myself thinking, maybe I should visit the winery next winter 😊 That’s how much I loved its fresh yet deep flavor.

As for Graham’s 20-Year Tawny, it was exactly what I expect from a classic Port wine. The 10-year Tawny already had a well-matured taste, but the extra 10 years added depth and complexity, making it richer.

The bartender assured me that since Graham’s is a major producer, I should be able to find it in Germany too. Great news!

Graham’s 20-Year Tawny

20 years old one had a darker color.

Until now, I had only ever drunk Port wine at room temperature, so having it served chilled this time was a refreshing surprise. It made me think that Port wine could be enjoyable not only in a cozy winter setting but also in spring and summer.

While reading up on chilled Port wine, I discovered that white Port exists, and according to ChatGPT, it’s best served chilled and pairs well with Japanese food. Now I really want to try it!

After finishing my stay in Porto, I already found myself thinking, I should come back next winter to get my hands on Seara d'ORDENS!

Porto is a city that makes you fall in love with Port wine, and to be honest, there’s another food-related experience that completely captivated me here... but I’ll save that story for another time! 😉

🍷 🍷 🍷



世界各地のお酒がずらり。でもポルトなのでポートワイン一択です 😉

一日目はSeara d'ORDENSのTawny 10年もの、二日目はGraham’sのTawny 20年ものを飲んでみました。Tawnyはオーク樽で長期熟成されたポートワインで、ナッツやキャラメルのような味が特徴です。

Seara d'ORDENSの10年ものは、ボトルがスラリと細くてスタイリッシュで、外目にも冷えているな!という感じでした。バーのお兄さんは20年もの推しだったのですが、私は比べたかったので一日目はこちらに。結果的にこのワインと出会えたのはよかったです。なんというかもう、飲む干しぶどう・・・語彙力ないですが、こくがあってまろやかでするっと飲める中にフレッシュさが感じられました。ボトルもかっこいいしお土産にしたい!

Seara d'ORDENSの10年のTawny 10年もの


あまりに感動して翌日何軒かお店を覗いてみたもののSeara d'ORDENSのポートワインを扱っているお店はありませんでした。道端でワインツアーのガイドのお姉さんに声をかけられて聞いてみたところ、ポルトのガイア地区にお店はないとのこと。ホテルのバーのお兄さんにも比較的小さな生産者だからなかなか見つからないかもと言われ、次の冬にはこの醸造所を訪ねたいな、なんて 😁 そのくらい新鮮な味わいでした。


Graham'sのTawny 20年もの




ポルト滞在を終えて、Seara d'ORDENSをゲットするためにもすでに次の冬にまたポルトに来たいななんて考えています。ポートワインひとつとっても惚れ込んでしまう街ポルト。実は食べ物関連でもっと沼にハマったものがあって、それは近々語りに語らります 😉