akipponn cross-posted this post in Hive JA 2 months ago

My Three Keywords of 2024 & 2025 / 私の2024年と2025年の漢字を3つ

in Silver Bloggers2 months ago (edited)


As 2024 comes to a close, I’ve been reflecting on the year. When I casually told my daughter, “It’s been a good year, hasn’t it?” she quickly pointed out, “It’s not over yet!” That reminded me to cherish the last few days and not treat them as a mere formality.

One thing I’ve been thinking about is how to summarize this year in a few words. After some consideration, I’ve chosen three keywords: Challenge*(挑戦), Recovery(回復), and Connection(縁).

Keywords of the Year

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“Challenge” represents many aspects of my year. I graduated from a local food business program, a social entrepreneur program, resumed driving in Germany after over 20 years (since getting my license in Japan), and expanded catering and market sales. I also participated in events as a speaker.

Traveling alone to Hive Fest was an adventure in itself. It was my first solo journey since visiting my mother during the pandemic in 2021. While it felt nerve-wracking, it was also exciting to take on such a trip after a long time. Hard to believe I was a digital nomad in my late 20s and early 30s.


However, with challenges piling up, I began to feel the strain by mid-year. My health took a hit, with symptoms like irritated eyelid skin, headaches, and dizziness—quite unusual for me. This experience taught me the importance of Recovery.

To heal my skin, I experimented with different remedies until I discovered a wonderful ice plant cream. I also used a health monitoring ring to keep track of my condition and focused on gratitude for everyday moments. I made an effort to live slowly, peacefully, and gently. Thanks to this approach, I gradually regained my health.

Even financially, I experienced a shift. I let go of a strict “no wasteful spending” mindset in the last 10 years and allowed myself to spend a bit more freely. This, too, felt like a form of recovery.

Through this process, I learned the value of taking care of myself without overexertion and overdoing.


This year also brought many meaningful connections. I met fellow food business enthusiasts in my community, built relationships with people from a university’s entrepreneurship office, and connected with friends who share my interests in natural therapies and plants. And of course on Hive and at Hive Fest! These new ties expanded my network in ways I hadn’t experienced before.

Keywords for Next Year: Fun, Play, Create

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This year also blessed me with great books. I read Kyohei Sakaguchi’s Ikinobiru Tameno Jimu (Japanese), the international bestseller The Magic, and The Artist’s Way. These books taught me the importance of creating joyfully, playfully, and comfortably without forcing myself into hardship. I’m still working through The Artist’s Way, and it continues to deepen my understanding.

By adopting these perspectives, I’ve noticed that abundance, including financial prosperity, seems to follow naturally.

Next year, my keywords will be Fun, Play, and Create. Building on this year’s experiences, I want to listen to my inner voice and live without forcing myself. I’ll focus on enjoying the process of creating, sharing my creations with those who appreciate them, and trusting that abundance will follow. It feels like the kind of approach that makes a livelihood not just possible but delightful.

Thinking about it, Hive is such a wonderful platform for having fun, playing, and creating. That’s probably why I’ve stuck in here for so long. Next year will mark my 10th year on Hive!

What are your keywords for this year and the next? Reflecting on them can be a fun way to review the past year and set meaningful goals for the future.

📝 📝 📝




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「挑戦」は、地域の食ビジネスの講座を卒業したことや、日本で免許をとって以来放置していた運転を20年以上ぶりにドイツで再開したこと、ケータリングやマーケットでの新しい試み、イベントでの登壇などなど、さまざまな場面で自分を試し、成長する機会が多かったことからキーワードの一つにしました。Hive Festに参加したこともある意味挑戦で、一人で長旅をするのは2021年の年末に母のお見舞いでコロナ禍の日本に帰国した時以来で、久しぶりのドキドキ一人旅でした。






挑戦と回復の中で、「縁」に恵まれた年でもありました。地域で食ビジネスを営む仲間や、大学の起業支援オフィスの方々、自然療法や植物に興味のある友人との新しいつながりができました。もちろん日々のHiveでのやりとりや、Hive Festも楽しみました。そんな中で今までになく人間関係の輪が広がる一年になりました。


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今年は良い本との出会いに恵まれました。坂口恭平さんの『生き延びるための事務』や、世界的にヒットした『The Magic』、『Artist's Way』などを通じて、無理せず楽しく、遊びながら、創ることの大切さを学びました。特に『Artist's Way』は今も読み進めながら学びを深めています。こうした考え方を取り入れることで、自分に無理を強いずに、自然とお金や豊かさがついてくるように感じられる、そんな一年でした。

来年のキーワードは「楽」「遊」「創」にしようと思っています。今年の経験を活かして、自分の声に耳を傾けて、無理せず気楽に、楽しく遊びながら、創造的な日々を過ごしたいです。疲れたと思ったら休む。自分に鞭打たない。楽にできる方法を考える。そんなふうに楽しそうに作っている過程や作り方、作ったものを気に入ってくれる人にお裾分けしていくと、お金がついてきて、生計が成り立つような気がしています。どこの Wanna be OKURIBITO だよって突っ込まれそうですね 😂

