akipponn cross-posted this post in Hive JA 3 days ago

Out to Lunch - Experience Stylish Modern Japanese Food and Design in Porto / Out to Lunch - ポルトで楽しむ日本の食とデザイン

in Worldmappin3 days ago


My friend's friend couple from my Berlin days run a Japanese restaurant and design shop called Out to Lunch in Porto. The shop is located slightly away from the city's hustle and bustle, along a street where you can see the Douro river. A lot of renovation going on for the properties along the street so I guess the area will be hip soon.

With its high ceilings and large windows facing the street, the place is incredibly stylish.

Out to Lunch Porto

The owner moved to Portugal around the time I moved to Berlin. While we only met a few times at events or in passing, I have fond memories of my modeler friend, who used to share the same apartment with him. So I had been following updates about Out to Lunch through social media and felt a long-standing sense of familiarity with their work.

When I planned my trip to Portugal, I was finally able to visit their shop in Porto. We started by having a meal at Out to Lunch Kitchen, which just opened last year. During the pandemic, Out to Lunch began offering takeout ramen set, and I remember we exchanged experiences how to make good ramen using a pasta machine on Instagram. Seeing how that small start evolved into such a nice restaurant was truly moving.


As always, I forgot to take pictures before eating... or rather, we just couldn't wait 💦 We ordered the tantan soba and curry. The gentle, comforting flavors of Japanese cuisine were delicious, and I enjoyed the meal while admiring the beautifully designed original tableware.


The soba tea was served in a tiny metal teapot, and my daughter and I couldn't stop saying, "It's so cute!" 😍 Ah, enjoying Japanese flavors while in Portugal—it was such a great experience.


For dessert, they serve cakes on Finnish Arabia plates—the same ones we use at home. The attention to detail, from the flavors to the tableware, was truly impressive.

After our meal, we visited the Out to Lunch Shop, located just a few doors up on the same street. The shop interior was stunning. The high ceilings, large windows, and carefully arranged displays created an atmosphere where I could browse for hours.


I wanted to buy so many things, but since it was only the second day of our trip and my suitcase was already packed with work equipment, I limited myself to a small Japanese cat dish for my daughter. I also had my eye on a traditional lacquered bento box and teacups, so I'll have to come back again 😉


...Of course, I didn't leave with one dish. Last year, Out to Lunch held a crowdfunding campaign when they opened their restaurant, and I participated in it. Yes, I picked up the reward, their original dishes 🥳


I'm already excited to decide what kind of food to serve on it. The colors, the shape—everything is just perfect. Some of the tableware used in the restaurant is also available for purchase at the design shop.

If you love food, design, or Japan, I highly recommend visiting Out to Lunch when you're in Porto! I definitely want to come back next winter.

🍛 🇯🇵 🇵🇹 🍛


ベルリン時代のお友達のお友達カップルがポルトで日本食のレストランとデザインショップOut to Lunchを経営しています。街の喧騒から少し離れた道路側の見える通り沿いにあり、高い天井と通りに面した窓のあるお店が本当にもうものすごくスタイリッシュです。

Out to Lunch Porto

オーナーの彼は、私がベルリンに移ったくらいのタイミングでポルトガルに移ってしまい、ちょこっと顔を合わせたり、イベントに遊びに行ったりしたくらいなのですが、彼と同じアパートをシェアしていたモデラーのお友達にはまだ古き良き雰囲気が残る2010年代初めのベルリンをたくさん案内してもらい、ものづくりを教えてもらい、お酒を飲み・・・ととてもよくしてもらいました。そんな中でOut to Lunchのアップデートを耳にしたり、ソーシャルメディアでアップデートを見たりでOut to Lunchとその活動に長らく親近感を感じていました。

ポルトガルに旅行することになり、念願かなってポルトのお店を見に行くことができました。まずは昨年オープンしたてのレストランOut to Lunch Kitchenで腹ごしらえ。Out to Lunchはコロナ禍でラーメンなどお持ち帰りを提供し始め、パスタマシンでどうやっていいラーメンを作るか情報交換をしていたところから、こんなに立派なお店になっている!と感動しました。


毎度のことながら写真を撮るのを忘れてというか待てずに食べ始めてしまっています 💦 坦々蕎麦とカレーを注文しました。日本の優しい味わいがおいしいのと、オリジナルの器に身惚れながら楽しみました。





腹ごしらえを終えて、次は同じ通りで数軒隔てたデザインショップOut to Lunch Shopへ。こちらの店内も素敵でした。天井の高さ、窓の大きさ、ゆったりとした商品のディスプレイ・・・!延々と見ていられそうです。


あれもこれも欲しくなってしまいますが、Out to Lunchに立ち寄ったのはまだ旅の2日目で、スーツケースには仕事の機材が結構入っていたので、日本の猫の小皿を子供用に一枚お土産に購入しました。漆のお弁当箱や湯呑みもほしかったので、また来ます。


・・・・・・・・もちろん小皿一枚では終わりません。Out to Lunchは去年、デザインショップと同じ通りにレストランをオープンするにあたってクラウドファンディングをしていて、私も参加しました。そのときのお礼の器を受け取るのも今回の訪問の目的の一つでした。じゃじゃーん。



ご飯、デザイン、日本ファンという人はポルトを訪れたらぜひ、Out to Lunchへ。おすすめです!また次の冬に遊びに来たいです。