Hive JAコミュニティレポート #41 / Hive JA Community Report #41

in Hive JA4 months ago

--- English text is in the second half ---



@djynn さんによる 「Give A Spooky!」#23 今日からスタートです👻

今週も@djynn さんが「SpookyPops NFT HIVE SBI Giveaway」を開催中です。

今回もNFTが当たるタイプのギブアウェイで、SpookyPopsホルダーがSpookyPops NFTをプレゼントしたいノンホルダーをメンションして参加するルールです。ホルダーの皆さん、ぜひフォロワーさんをメンションしてご参加ください。当選するとメンションしたユーザーさんにNFT、応募者には5HSBIが当たります。


ぜひ非ホルダーのフォロワーさんをメンションしてご参加ください。また、まだSpookyPospsをお持ちでない方で「欲しいな・・・」という方は、お声がけください。私を含め、Hive JAコミュニティにはホルダーが多いので!



Hive JAコミュニティのSnaps、少しずつですがユーザーが増えています。



Voting Powerに余裕がある方は、ぜひSnapsの投稿へのupvoteをお願いします!!!




日本語本文300文字以上と #japanese タグを含む投稿が対象です。週に1回以上投稿で1HSBI、投稿先のコミュニティはどこでもOKです。

(レピュテーションスコアはフロントエンドによって若干異なる場合があるため、HIVE BLOCK EXPLORERに表示されるスコアを基準にしています。スコア66を越えた方は、投稿特典の配布対象外となります)

また、Hive JAコミュニティに加入していることも条件となります。


@suzanne7 (1HSBI) @penta555 (1HSBI)




さらに、Hive JAでは「Thanks Giveaway」と称して、10HP以上のdelegatorの皆さんを対象にHSBIのシェアギブアウェイを開催しています。@hive-ja のアカウントに流動$HIVEが5以上貯まる度にルーレットを回し、当選者の皆さんにHSBIのシェアをプレゼントします。コミュニティを応援していただける方はぜひご検討ください。


@hive-jaのHIVE POWER: 16,947HP(先週比+42)@hive-jaキュレーショントレイルフォロワー数:15(先週比±0)

Hive JAコミュニティのDiscordはこちら



Hi, it's @go-kyo here.

Sorry for the delay in sending out the Community Report this week.


"Give A Spooky! #23" by @djynn starts today!👻

SpookyPops NFT HIVE SBI Giveaway is being held by @djynn again this week!

Holders are encouraged to participate by mentioning their followers (non-holder). If you win, the user you mentioned will win the NFT and the entrant will win 5 HSBI.

By owning SpookyPopsNFT, you are eligible to participate in her holder-only HSBI Share Giveaway. HSBI Share Giveaways are held by many people, but only NFT holders are eligible to participate in this giveaway, so your chances of winning are I think it is high.

Holders, please mention your followers and join us. Also, if you don't already have SpookyPosps and would like to have it, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. There are many holders in the Hive JA community, including myself!

For more information on Giveaway, please check this post😉

Waiting for you at Snaps!

The Hive JA community Snaps has a gradually growing user base.

(※Please open in PeakD)

We are currently in the process of enhancing our curation to Snaps posts and will be promoting Snaps as a gateway to invite Japanese users to Hive, but before we do that, it would be great to see more posts from existing users!

If you can afford Voting Power, please upvote Snaps' post!

I sent the HSBI share as the posting benefit💰

I sent another HSBI unit as a posting benefit this week.

◆For members with reputation scores up to 65

Posts must contain at least 300 characters of Japanese text and the #japanese tag. 1 HSBI for posting at least once a week, and any community to which you post is acceptable.

(Reputation scores are displayed slightly differently depending on the front end. Therefore, I check the score displayed on the HIVE BLOCK EXPLORER. Those who exceed a score of 66 will not be eligible for distribution of the posting benefits).

You must also be a member of the Hive JA community.
If you have not yet joined, please "JOIN" (for ecency) or "SUBSCRIBE" (for PeakD) from the community page.


@suzanne7 (1HSBI) @penta555 (1HSBI)

HSBI balances can be checked at the following website.
It takes about 3 hours to be reflected on each site after it is sent by me.

●HSBI website (enter your account name)

In addition, Hive JA is hosting a "Thanks Giveaway" HSBI share giveaway for all 10+ HP delegators. Every time @hive-ja's account accumulates 5 or more liquid $HIVE, I'll spin the roulette and give away a share of HSBI to the winners.

Please consider supporting our community.

Community Overview (as of 11.10.2024)

◆HIVE POWER:16,947HP(weekly change+42)
◆Number of community members:58(weekly change ±0)
◆Number of followers of curation trail:15(weekly change±0)

Click here for the Hive JA Community Discord server.

See you next week. Thank you for readig!



A pollinator from The Pollen Nation feels this post deserves extra attention!
We appreciate your contribution to the blockchain.
For more information or to reach out to us, join our Discord server!

Curated by palomap3