Learning and Teaching Language
I enjoy giving Japanese lessons, although teaching Japanese can be challenging due to its complexity. Nonetheless, I find joy in discovering effective teaching methods for Japanese.
In our lessons, I often incorporate activities that explore Japanese culture. Recently, I introduced the Maneki-Neko (招き猫) culture, which translates to 'beckoning cat.' The Maneki-Neko, a common Japanese figurine, is believed to bring good luck to its owner and can be found throughout Japanese cities. I don't have my own Maneki-Neko figure, so I decided to craft one with my students.
Teaching crafts online presents its challenges. I typically utilize an online meeting app to demonstrate live activities, such as writing or creating. While I previously used Jamboard, I've switched to Figjam for now due to Jamboard's impending service termination. Fortunately, the transition was successful this time!
We made the funny Maneki-Neko in my class the other day. We read 'How to make the Maneki-Neko' step by step and coloured together. I showed the sample through an online app, and then, we checked each other through our web cameras. Yes! We made it pretty well. I gave them extra homework to draw their own design of the Maneki-Neko in anime style because they love to draw manga.
By the way, @mojiko-blog shared an awesome photo of a learning notebook with me the other day when I posted about snow nature in English and Japanese. Mojiko-blog read my post and practiced some Japanese kanji and phrases. Such beautiful writing! I am very impressed with this notebook and feel very motivated by it. Thank you!
I learn the Korean language little by little using apps or YouTube videos by myself. Self-study is such a fun thing. My Korean knowledge is still very limited, but I love studying the language at my own pace. My French study is not so good... I enjoy reading products which are written in bilingual in Canada. However, when I meet a French speaker, I can just say "Ça va?" and then, "..." I don't know what to say after that much... I learned French at school for almost two years but I can only read some French. I wish I could speak more. Learning a language is a fun thing. We can just continue enjoying learning in many styles!
Japanese 日本語
ところで、@mojiko-blog さんが私が以前投稿した英語と日本語の二カ国語の雪と自然のブログを見て練習した漢字やフレーズを書いたノートの写真を共有してくれました。とってもキレイな文字です!こんな素敵なノートを見せてもらい、私のモチベーションもあがりました。ありがとうございます!
自分でもアプリやYouTubeを観て韓国語を少し勉強しています。自己学習は楽しいです。私の韓国語の知識はまだまだですが、自分のペースで勉強するのが楽しいです。フランス語は…まだまだまだまだです。カナダでは二カ国後で記載してあるので、商品などに書いてあるフランス語を読むのが楽しいです。ところが、フランス語を話す方と出会った時に「Ça va?」と聞くことはできるのですが、その後の会話はなかなか進みません。学校で二年間もフランス語を学習したのにも関わらず、ほんの少しのフランス語しか読むことができません。もう少し会話ができればいいのですが。言語を学ぶのは面白いです。自分なりのいろいろなスタイルで楽しく学ぶのがいいですね!
Thank you for reading!
I can't express what I'm feeling right now I think honoured vibes. Yes it is true that I read your each article and make notes since I found your account 😀.
I'm very passionate about learning this language and improving it daily.I've applied for a student from Pakistan to visa in Gifu and this month I'll get my result from immigration I am hoping for best I hope it will allow me to utilise this language skill.
It's nice to hear
Good luck with your Gifu application! Gifu has a lot of nice nature;)
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Wow! All I can say is you can do it cause that's really hard, but you have a dedication so keep it up!