koto-art cross-posted this post in Hive JA 5 days ago

Making Phone Calls From Overseas Has Become More Convenient In Today's World.  国際電話は本当に便利になりました [English and Japanese]

in Lifestyle5 days ago


Making Phone Calls From Overseas Has Become More Convenient In Today's World.

Many Years Ago and Today, A Reflection on How Communication Has Changed.

The other day, while walking down the hospital hallway, I saw a classic telephone sign. It felt like a relic from another era. Public phones used to be a common sight on the streets, but now, they have nearly vanished. We no longer need to search for payphones to make calls. Our smartphones and internet-based platforms have taken over.

Looking back, making phone calls used to be quite expensive, especially international ones. Whenever I needed to call Japan from another country, I had to check the time difference carefully to avoid waking my family in the middle of the night. Every call was precious and often brief due to the high cost.

Things changed dramatically when I switched to Skype, Zoom, and LINE. Conversations became easier, smoother, and far more affordable. It’s incredible how technology has erased the barriers of distance, making it effortless to connect with loved ones anytime, anywhere. That’s why it feels a bit sad knowing that Skype will soon be discontinued. Even though I’ve mostly moved on to Zoom and other platforms, I still have fond memories of Skype and how it revolutionized communication for so many people.


Seeing that public phone in the hospital hallway also brought back memories of the international phone booths in Japanese train stations. I remember the gray phones where you could buy prepaid credits at a Kiosk before making a call. Those, too, have disappeared, replaced by mobile apps and messaging platforms.

Before free communication apps, emails and handwritten letters were the main ways to stay in touch with different countries. Back then, people experienced homesickness differently. Now, with instant messaging and video calls, staying connected with family, friends, and partners has become much easier, reducing the emotional distance across borders.

With daylight saving time beginning in March, it’s even simpler for me to contact my mother in Japan. The time difference feels less complicated, making our conversations more natural and convenient.

The way we communicate has changed so much over the years. While I miss certain aspects of the past, I appreciate the convenience and accessibility of modern technology. Still, there’s something nostalgic about seeing an old payphone, It's a small reminder of how far we’ve come.

Japanese 日本語












Thank you for reading!
