koto-art cross-posted this post in Hive JA 3 days ago

New Toys for My Dog 犬の新しいおもちゃ [English and Japanese]

in Hive Pets4 days ago (edited)


New Toys for My Dog

I’ve written about broken dog toys before. My dog loves a few types of toys. Usually, he plays with his big, solid, and tough toy called the 'Kong,' which is very useful for both him and us humans.

He also enjoys soft toys because his very first toy was a handmade one created by his mother’s owner. They used an old soft sock to make it. When we got him, his mother’s owner gave us that original toy. That’s why he loves to nibble on soft toys. I still make handmade sock toys for him sometimes. Wrapping a tennis ball in a soft sock makes a great toy for him as well.


The bone-shaped Kong is a puzzle, a word, and a toy all in one for him. He brings it to us to show his love, happiness, or appreciation. Sometimes, he brings it when he wants to play. We can put treats, coconut oil, or other snacks inside to make it more engaging. I often give him boiled vegetables or fruit in it, which motivates him to solve the puzzle. He also has a different type of puzzle toy from the same brand. It usually takes him a few months to "break it in." While his intention isn’t to break his toys, I think he customizes them in his own way.


He also loves teddy bear-style toys. His first one was Clifford, the big red dog. He always carried Clifford with him, but eventually, he ripped it apart. We had to say goodbye to Clifford, and ever since, he’s needed to have a teddy bear-style toy along with his Kong. I’ve explored many different brands of toys because he tends to rip them apart easily.

Finally, we found a toy called 'Tough,' which is pretty well-made. It has a whistle inside, and my dog absolutely loves it. However, he can’t resist getting to the whistle inside. He tries to control himself, but it’s so hard for him not to destroy it.


For Christmas, he got a new hamburger-shaped 'Tough' toy because he lost his old one last month. He had been searching for the old one for a while, even after I’d thrown it away.

As soon as he got the new one, he started carrying it everywhere. He even cried because he loved it so much, making funny whining sounds.


Of course, he couldn’t stop trying to discover the inside of the toy. I hope it lasts as long as possible. As you can see, the sofa has become his sofa, and the pillow behind him is now his pillow. When he sits on the sofa, he arranges the pillows, which causes them to wear out quickly. Again, he’s not trying to destroy them. He’s just arranging them to his liking.


A few days passed after he got his new toy, and as expected, he had already ripped some parts of it. He even managed to take out the whistle, so the toy no longer makes noise. He looks satisfied for now, but at the same time, he seems a little sad.

Japanese 日本語




それから、やわらかいタイプのおもちゃも好きです。子犬の時に母親犬の飼い主の方からもらったいちばん初めのおもちゃがやわらか素材だったからだと思います。 もうはかなくなったふわふわ素材の靴下を利用して手作りのおもちゃを作って与えていたようです。我が家にやってきたとき、そのおもちゃもいっしょにきました。今でもときどき靴下を使った手作りおもちゃを作って渡すと喜びます。たまにその靴下の中にテニスボールを入れると、とても楽しいおもちゃに早変わりします。














Thank you for reading!
