sabosuke cross-posted this post in Hive JA 3 months ago

Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

in Splinterlands3 months ago

This time, I want to share a theory for the very tricky ruleset combination of Back to Basics and Earthquake. I experimented with various approaches, such as focusing on magic or frontline units, but the key strategy turned out to be placing a high-health unit in the rearmost position.


Battle Example

For this battle, I placed a tough unit like GURM in the frontline and added magic-attack units in the middle. For the rear, I positioned LAVA LAUNCHER. While I usually choose Lava Launcher for its high attack power and speed, in this case, I relied on its surprisingly high HP and shield to endure until the end.

As expected, the battle concluded with a one-on-one showdown between my Lava Launcher and the opponent’s rear unit, where Lava Launcher held on and secured the win. I found that summoners like VEGA, which increase shields and HP, are especially effective for this strategy. If possible, consider making your shield an odd number, as Earthquake deals 2 damage—this way, the shield will absorb 1 extra point of damage before breaking, making it more cost-efficient.

今回はBack to Basics とEarthquakeという非常にトリッキーなルールでのセオリーを紹介します。魔法特化、前衛特化など様々なことを試しましたが、セオリーは最後尾に非常に体力があるユニットを配置することでした。

今回は前衛にGURMなどのタフなユニットを配置し、中間にも魔法攻撃ができるようにユニットを配置したうえで、最後尾にLAVA LANCHERを配置しました。LAVA LANCHERは非常に攻撃力とスピードが高いことで普段は起用しているのですが、今回は意外と高いHPとシールドによって、最後の粘りを期待して編成しています。


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