Polako se bliži i vreme praznika, svi ih uzbuÄeno doÄekujemo, radujemo se obiÄajima u ovom periodu. Jedno od najlepÅ”ih dogaÄaja ovih praznika je Å”to okupljaju sve najbliže na okupu.
U zimskom periodu je opÅ”te prazniÄno raspoloženje kod kuÄe pa Äak i na ulicama, neÅ”to posebno Å”to upotpunjuje atmosferu, ali bez dobre hrane i toplinu doma koji nam ovi praznici pružaju nemože niÅ”ta zameniti.
The time of the holidays is slowly approaching, we all welcome them excitedly, we look forward to the customs during this period. One of the most beautiful events of these holidays is that they gather all the closest together.
In the winter period, there is a general festive mood at home and even on the streets, something special that completes the atmosphere, but nothing can replace without good food and the warmth of home that these holidays provide us.
Verovatno svi imaju svoje obiÄaije u pripremanju hrane za praznik, doÅ”la sam na ideju da vam predstavim svoj recept, ako ga isprobate sigurno se neÄete kajati.
Izgleda veoma dekorativno na stolu ali je i veoma ukusno, može uveliÄati vaÅ”u sveÄanu trpezu tokom predstojeÄih praznika.
Probably everyone has their own customs in preparing food for the holiday, I came up with the idea to present you my recipe, if you try it, you will certainly not regret it.
It looks very decorative on the table but is also very tasty, it can enhance your festive table during the upcoming holidays.
Fileti se mogu puniti na razne naÄine, Ovom prilikom sam ga punila Å”ampinjonima i sirom, umotanom u slanini.
Fillets can be stuffed in various ways. On this occasion, I stuffed them with mushrooms and cheese, wrapped in bacon.
- svinjski filet
- 200 grama Ŕampinjona
- sir izrezan na komade
- jedan luk
- dva Äena belog luka
- 100 grama slanine narezano na tanko
- kaŔikica vegete
- kaŔikica soli
- kaŔikica mlevene slatke paprike
- kaŔikica bibera
- kaŔikica ruzmarina
- kaŔikica bosiljka
- 3 supene kaŔike ulja
- pork fillet
- 200 grams of mushrooms
- cheese cut into pieces
- one onion
- two cloves of garlic
- 100 grams of thinly sliced āābacon
- a spoonful of vegeta
- a teaspoon of salt
- a spoonful of ground sweet pepper
- a teaspoon of pepper
- a spoonful of rosemary
- a spoonful of basil
- 3 tablespoons of oil
Kod fileta je veoma važno prvo ukloniti žilice.
With fillets, it is very important to remove the veins first.
Zatim filet treba izrezati po dužini, nikako do kraja treba da bude samo rastvoren.
Then the fillet should be cut lengthwise, by no means should it be just dissolved all the way.
Kada je meso gotovo, pomeÅ”ati sve zaÄine i utrljati u meso, meso odložiti da odstoji u zaÄinima.
When the meat is ready, mix all the spices and rub it into the meat, leave the meat to rest in the spices.
Dok meso upija svoju marinadu, luk i beli luk iseckamo na sitno, u posudu stavimo ulje da se zagreje a potom dinstamo luk.
While the meat absorbs its marinade, finely chop the onion and garlic, put the oil in a pan to heat it up, and then sautƩ the onion.
Dok se luk polako dinsta na umerenoj temperaturu, Å”ampinjone iseÄi na tanke listiÄe.
Pa kada je luk dinstan dodati Å”ampinjone pa i njih lagano dinstati dok ne ispari sva teÄnost koju Äe peÄurke ispustiti.
While the onion is slowly simmering at a moderate temperature, cut the mushrooms into thin slices.
When the onion is stewed, add the mushrooms and gently stew them until all the liquid that the mushrooms will release evaporates.
Dok se peÄurke dinstaju iseÄi sir na komade, sir može biti po vaÅ”em ukusu samo da je tvrd, ja sam koristila edamer.
While the mushrooms are stewing, cut the cheese into pieces, the cheese can be according to your taste as long as it is hard, I used edamer.
Na radnom stolu prvo stavimo foliju a zatim papir za peÄenje, na papir za peÄenje reÄamo slaninu u dva reda, jednu do druge.
Preko slanine stavite meso.
On the work table, first put the foil and then the baking paper, arrange the bacon in two rows, one next to the other, on the baking paper.
Place the meat over the bacon.
Filet puniti filom od peÄuraka i odozgo mu dodajte sir.
Fill the fillet with mushroom filling and add cheese on top.
Zatim sve zajedno malo stisnite i preklopite ga slaninom, u posudu za peÄenje stavite papir za peÄenje pa stavite rolat od mesa.
Then squeeze everything together a little and cover it with bacon, put baking paper in the baking dish and put the meat roll.
Meso stavite u veÄ zagrejanoj rerni na 200 stepeni 30 minuta, da biste imali prilog uz meso, isecite par krompira na kocke i izmarinirajte sa zaÄinima i malo ulja pa ga dodajte posle 30 minuta.
Put the meat in an already heated oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes, to have a side dish with the meat, cut a couple of potatoes into cubes and marinate them with spices and a little oil, then add it after 30 minutes.
Zatim sve zajedno staviti u rernu na istoj temperaturi joÅ” 30 minuta, kada je odreÄeno vreme proÅ”lo, izvadite meso i odklonite foliju kako bi dobilo lepu boju.
Then put everything together in the oven at the same temperature for another 30 minutes, when the specified time has passed, take out the meat and remove the foil so that it gets a nice color.
Kada je meso dobilo lepu boju, ostavuti da se malo ohladi kako bi se lakŔe seklo.
Servirajte ga uz krompir ili neku salatu po želji.
When the meat has acquired a nice color, let it cool down a bit to make it easier to cut.
Serve it with potatoes or a salad of your choice.
BožiÄne praznike uvek karakteriÅ”u ukraÅ”en i topao dom, veselje, skup porodice i najbližnjih ali trpeza je uvek bogata.
Ovo je moj recept koji izgleda dekorativno za tu priliku ali i veoma ukusno.
Christmas holidays are always characterized by a decorated and warm home, joy, a gathering of family and loved ones, but the table is always rich.
This is my recipe that looks decorative for the occasion but also very tasty.
Your Maya
Friends, English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any discrepancies. Hope you understand it ;-)
(The content of the text, as well as images, videos, and other media, are my own personal and private data.)
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