Niste jeli sarmu!? 🤔 You haven't eaten sarma!? 🤔

in Ukusi Banata2 years ago

Ko nije jeo sarmu, dzabe je jeo ostalo. 😅
Dakle, krećemo u pustolovinu zvana- sarma!
Prvo što treba da uradite, podgrejte šolju ulja i u njemu dinstajte veću glavicu crnog luka sa tri čena belog luka.

Whoever didn't eat sarma ate the rest for nothing. 😅
So, let's embark on an adventure called - sarma!
The first thing you need to do is heat a cup of oil and sauté a large onion with three cloves of garlic in it.


Nakon 4, 5 minuta, ubacite mleveno meso. Ja obično kupim mešano ( svinjsko/juneće).

After 4, 5 minutes, add the minced meat. I usually buy mixed (pork/beef).


Dok meso još nije promenilo boju, dodati začine, so, biber, mlevenu papriku.
Dinstajte i mešajte oko 10 minuta.

While the meat has not yet changed color, add spices, salt, pepper, and ground pepper.
Simmer and stir for about 10 minutes.





Kada se se meso lepo stopi sa začinima i promeni boju iz crvene u braon, dodati 150-200 grama pirinča.

When the meat melts nicely with the spices and changes color from red to brown, add 150-200 grams of rice.


Dobro promešajte meso sa pirinčom da po celoj smesi svuda bude jednak odnos pirinča i mesa.
Nakon 2 minuta, skloniti sa vatre.
Dok sam pravila ovu smesu, u medjuvremenu sam pripremila krupne listove kiselog kupusa. On ima važnu ulogu. Mesom mogu da se pune i paprike ali ako se meso mota u list kupusa, samo onda će se zvati sarma. 😁

Mix the meat with the rice well so that there is an equal ratio of rice and meat throughout the mixture.
After 2 minutes, remove from heat.
While I was making this mixture, in the meantime I prepared large leaves of sauerkraut. He has an important role. Peppers can also be stuffed with meat, but if the meat is wrapped in a cabbage leaf, only then will it be called sarma. 😁


Dakle, list kupusa stavite na šaku, i na sredinu stavite smesu.

So, put a cabbage leaf on your fist, and put the mixture in the middle.



Zatim treba meso da umotate.
To izgleda ovako:

Then you need to wrap the meat.
It looks like this:





Savijete donji i gornji deo i umotajte. Druga varijanta je, savijete donji deo, uvijte sarmu a zatim gornji deo ugurate u rupu.
Sarme su spremne za šerpu u kojoj ćete ih kuvati.
Na dno prvo stavite list kupusa.

Fold the bottom and top and wrap. Another option is to bend the lower part, twist the cord and then push the upper part into the hole.
Sarma are ready for the pot in which you will cook them.
First put a cabbage leaf on the bottom.



Kada ste poredjali sarme, nije loše ali ne mora, stavite parče slanine ili pršute da obogati ukus i lepše miriše
Izmedju sarmi, staviti 2, 3 lista lovora. 🍃

When you have arranged the sarma, it's not bad, but you don't have to, put a piece of bacon or prosciutto to enrich the taste and make it smell nicer
Place 2 or 3 bay leaves between the sarmi. 🍃



Zatim sipajte vode, onoliko da pokrije sarmu, odnosno dva prsta iznad sarme jer će pirinač nabubreti.
Vodu dosipati tokom kuvanja po potrebi. Kuvati na tihoj vatri oko 2, 2,5 sata.

Then pour water, enough to cover the sarma, or two fingers above the sarma because the rice will swell.
Add water during cooking as needed. Cook on low heat for about 2, 2.5 hours.




Sarma je srpsko, grčko i tursko tradicionalno jelo.

Sarma is a Serbian, Greek and Turkish traditional dish.



Sarma je gotova.

Sarma is done.


Volela bih da vam prenesem miris i ukus, ali moraćete sami da napravite da ne bi bili ljubomorni na mene. 😆
Sarmu poslužiti sa kašikom kisele pavlake. Ja sam dodala i malo čili sosa. Nekada sam jela hleb uz ovo jelo ali danas shvatam da je potpuno nepotrebno.

I'd love to give you the smell and taste, but you'll have to make it yourself so you don't get jealous of me. 😆
Serve Sarma with a spoonful of sour cream. I also added a little chili sauce. I used to eat bread with this dish, but today I realize that it is completely unnecessary.



Ako ste jako gladni, obavezno iseckajte sarmu da se što bre ohladi.

If you are very hungry, be sure to chop the sarma so that it cools down as soon as possible


Meni se zavrteli u glavi. 🤪
Posle ovog posta, moram da pojedem još jednu. 😋

My head was spinning. 🤪
After this post, I need to eat another one. 😋

Prijatno! 👋

Pleasant! 👋

Pozdrav od Ane Vragolane!

Greetings from Ana Vragolana!