Father: the new religion. (ESP)(ENG)

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Father: the new religion.

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Padre: la nueva religión.

Padre tras alcanzar la cúspide de su poder, se encuentra sentado en su trono con un mini sol en la punta de su dedo. En ese momento se percata que se está sintiendo como hace mucho tiempo no se sentía. Las emociones humanas lo estaban controlando, así decide fraccionar su poder, está vez era aún más poderoso. Se elevó a los cielos dónde era intocable. A partir de su propia carne y absorbiendo el polvo y nubes a su alrededor creo unos nuevos pecados capitales.

Father, after reaching the peak of his power, finds himself sitting on his throne with a mini sun on the tip of his finger. At that moment he realizes that he is feeling as he has not felt for a long time. Human emotions were controlling him, so he decided to split his power, this time he was even more powerful. He rose to the heavens where he was untouchable. From his own flesh and absorbing the dust and clouds around him he created new deadly sins.


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Las sombras cayeron como misiles en el suelo. Aberrantes demonios con formas inhumanas, así de grande era su maldad. El primero en morir fue Royd Mustang, los hermanos Elric fueron destrozados a continuación, la masacre se expandió por el resto de la capital, una ofrenda al nuevo Dios que observaba en un trono echo de nubes. En ese momento padre lo entendió todo, él era el ser perfecto y sería eterno si nadie más se comportaba como aquellos insolentes que lo desafiaron. La alquimia, el saber, era un bien que solo el debía poseer. Padre mediante su poder he influencia manipuló a la humanidad hasta hacerlos creer que la historia era como él y su séquito religioso la planteaba, nada era objetivo, la verdad no existe, todo es relativo, lo que importa es su felicidad, una sociedad de palabras y no de acciones que se extinguía y controlaba así misma.

Shadows fell like missiles on the ground. Aberrant demons with inuman forms, so great was their evil. The first to die was Royd Mustang, the Elric brothers were torn apart next, the massacre spread through the rest of the capital, an offering to the new God who watched on a throne made of clouds.
At that moment father understood everything, he was the perfect being and he would be eternal if no one else behaved like those insolent ones who defied him. Alchemy, knowledge, was a good that only he should possess. Father through his power and influence manipulated humanity until he made them believe that history was as he and his religious entourage put it, nothing was objective, truth does not exist, everything is relative, what matters is their happiness, a society of words and not of actions that extinguished and controlled itself.


Cuéntame en los comentarios
¿Qué te pareció el final alternativo?¿Qué temáticas crees que trata la obra? ¿Crees que el final original el bueno? 🤔

Tell me in the comments
What did you think of the alternative ending? What themes do you think the play deals with? Do you think the original ending was a good one?🤔



I had to recall which anime you were referring to when you made this fanfic. It's a classic bad ending trope so that's cool.