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RE: Anime Tracks Thursdays #24: Anime Song That Describes Your Love Life

in The Anime Realmlast month

Hi! :)

I think the anime song that describes my love life is the opening soundtrack of Kamisama Kiss anime called "Kamisama Hajimemashita."

I chose this mainly because the main character in the anime itself almost has the same attitude as my boyfriend right now—an asshole with a heart <3 HAHAHA But seriously, Tomoe's persona is almost close to my partner's.

As for the lyrics, idk if its the true English translation, but:

God, do you hear me?
I'd really like to be a bad girl
I'm tired of pretending to be good
So please just hear my prayer
I promise that my intentions are pure
So let me be a bad girl just for now
And wear my skirt a little too short
I'll be good after this
This weekend is going to be nice
God in heaven, it's already starting

Considering I grew up in a conservative family, I've wanted to be a fool for this guy and do stuff with him and just be free and embrace every fiber of my being as a woman while being engulfed in his arms. You know what I mean.

As for the song itself, I liked how it was musically arranged. From the chords down to the melodies and all. It gives you that girly, mysterious, historical, jumpy-dancey, nostalgic feeling. In short, the song is cute, period. hahahahahaha 😆


Nice song choice! And I love that you even described your partner and can relate to the character 😌

Thanks for the appreciation! 🩷 Yep! My Tomoe in real life 🙂‍↔️😁❤️