Mirar el reloj ya casi son las 5 pm, una inquietud ansiedad nervios, ya va a empezar y aun no suena la campana era todo lo que sentía y decía en voz baja, segundos luego de sonar la campana tomaba mi mochila casi ni me despedía de la maestra para salir corriendo con las manos hacia atrás porque as sentía que aumentaba la velocidad, al llegar mi casa solo lanzaba la mochila y ponía el canal 5 donde sonaba una canción que me erizaba la piel
es el secreto mas estremecedor,
vamos a atrapar las esferas del dragón,
un milagro increíble se esconde ahí,
la fantástica aventura va a empezar,
este mundo es una gran
isla del tesoro.
En esos momentos era increíble no me distraía nada, ni mi mamá llamándome a comer siquiera, creo que podía asegurar y sin temor a a equivocarme que alguien podría salir a la calle y no encontraría ningún niño jugando fuera a esa hora "era la hora sagrada"..
Aunque cabe destacar que también pasaban otros animes como lo son, RANMA y 1/2, Star Pitcher, Samuray X, Sailor Moon entre otros..
Y quizás no sea el único que tenga estos recuerdos de ver ese niño inocente cuando vio primera vez la moto de bulma y todas esas aventuras que estaban por comenzar, y Goku que solo pensaba que la esfera de cuatro estrellas que tenia guardada era su abuelito..
Luego conoce al maestro Roshi, Yamcha, Crilin y a todos sus amigos también combate en el gran torneo de las artes marciales
A partir de ese momento fue donde empecé a amar el anime, a pesar de que en esa época no había internet como ahora y tenias que ver un capitulo diario en la tele y esperar con ansias al otro día, pero así lo hacia mas emocionante aun...Sonreí escribiendo esto y recordando recordé cuando frezer la pelea contra goku que duro tanto en explotar el planeta namek y fue tan emocionante y todo pero esa ya es otra saga no me quiero desviar del tema jjejejejeje
##No quiero alargar mucho este tema porque es un anime que ya la mayoría conoce y me atrevo a decir que se saben la historia de memoria.
Sin mas que decir me despido por ahora y hasta pronto mis queridos otakus y hivers gracias por leerme
Hello community of hive and "The anime realm" I hope you are well, glad to be with you in this great community, being a fan of anime I got with the post of @kuronokenshi which I found great idea to make this challenge #AnimeBloggingChallenge on daily questions to bring out the otaku in us ....
Looking at the clock it's almost 5 pm, a nervous anxiety, it's about to start and the bell still does not ring was all I felt and said quietly, seconds after the bell rang I took my backpack almost did not say goodbye to the teacher to run away with my hands back because I felt that increased the speed, when I got home I just threw the backpack and turned on channel 5 where a song that made my skin crawl was playing.
is the most thrilling secret,
We're going to catch the dragon's spheres,
An incredible miracle is hidden there,
The fantastic adventure is about to begin,
this world is a great
treasure island
In those moments it was incredible, nothing distracted me, not even my mom calling me to eat, I think I could assure and without fear of being wrong that someone could go out to the street and would not find any child playing outside at that time "it was the sacred hour"....
Although it should be noted that other anime such as RANMA and 1/2, Star Pitcher, Samuray X, Sailor Moon among others were also shown...
And maybe I'm not the only one who has these memories of seeing that innocent child when he first saw Bulma's motorcycle and all those adventures that were about to begin, and Goku who only thought that the four-star sphere he had saved was his grandfather ...
Then he meets Master Roshi, Yamcha, Crilin and all his friends and also fights in the great martial arts tournament.
From that moment on I started to love the anime, even though at that time there was no internet like now and you had to watch a daily episode on TV and wait anxiously for the next day, but that made it even more exciting...I smiled writing this and remembering when I remembered the fight against goku that lasted so long to explode the planet namek and it was so exciting and everything but that's another saga I do not want to deviate from the topic jjejejejejejejeje
I don't want to make this topic too long because it's an anime that most people already know and I dare to say that they know the story by heart.
Without more to say I say goodbye for now and see you soon my dear otakus and hivers, thanks for reading me.
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