About the Curation of The Anime Realm

in The Anime Realm4 years ago


With the community starting to grow, I figured it's about time I start talking about what it is I expect out of posts I submit to OCD for curation, and the kind of posts I will be up-voting going forward. While I have some help right now with the curation (Thanks to everyone lending a hand while my IRL job is a bit on the taxing side right now), it comes down to me right now what gets picked for curation, and with the growth of the community, I'm going to need to start being a bit pickier when submitting posts.

Reviews should go into detail about what does and does not work about the show you are reviewing. I've seen a few reviews that are little more than recaps of what happens, sometimes very long-winded recaps. As a review, or even if you are just saying it's a Synopsis, is not likely to be curated as it doesn't offer anything you couldn't learn just by looking up the show's wiki.

I don't have a specific length requirement, but your post needs to be long enough to get across some actual detail. If you're only giving me a few lines of actual analysis, it's not likely the review will be curated. The same goes for any kind of ranking list. Just ranking them doesn't say anything, but go into some detail as to why you ranked them the way you did.

Your formatting needs to be easy to read. If I struggle at all to easily follow the flow of your paragraphs, even if it's well written it will not get submitted to curation. Similarly, I expect at least competent grammar. I'm not expecting published novel quality or anything, I'm aware people posting here don't exactly have an editor to proofread everything they post, so I'm not going to get too strict on that, but I at least need to be able to see some decent sentence and paragraph structure.

And because it isn't as obvious as I first thought (I didn't take into account we have a lot of people not from the west posting here. English not being their first language, as well as not knowing how specific terms are used has created some confusion I hadn't foreseen), Anime is referring to Japanese animation, not any kind of animation. I will also allow for things like Korean Manga and animation. While not strictly anime, there are plenty of anime fans who have taken to grouping it all together, and honestly, it is such a small niche I don't think it would survive in a community all on its own right now. So I'm okay going with the slightly broader scope of what constitutes anime in this regard.

Also, I cannot submit non-English posts for curation. Sorry, but I can't vouch for the quality of posts in languages I don't understand. Dual-Language posts I can do so long as one of the languages is English.

Obviously a lot of this isn't going to strictly apply to things like AMV's or Fan-Art, since I'm not really looking for any kind of written structure.

These aren't really strict guidelines I've put into place, but I think it's best I at least let everyone know what I'm looking for before submitting a post for curation. Also note, these are not rules of what can be posted here (Well, I guess the clarification of Anime is), so I'm not going to remove posts because they don't fit the curation guidelines I've set out here. This is just what I'm looking for in terms of what content is submitted to OCD.

I hope you all enjoy hanging around, and I look forward to seeing all the new content you produce in The Anime Realm.


Great! Hopefully, with the support of OCD, a lot of anime-content writers would be encouraged to share more quality anime-related posts. <3 I would love to see this community grow. ^^

Probably the most common pet peeve I got from reading reviews here is the recap/retell rather than it being a real review. It seems most people ended up just writing what they find good rather than being critical about the show they are watching.

As someone who's guilty of this half of the time I'll try to slightly change my Review style.

Well it's an opinion on what to improve on but not a requirement. Some can't be bothered and prefer to stick to their comfort zone. Good for you to try and explore. There are multiple ways to present a review. Made a post about it on my style and still fresh.

I will take into account everything you mention in this publication. Thanks for giving us one more guide to do things better.

May the power of the cosmos guide you!

Hi, is anime art okay?

Fan Art is definately okay.

If it's not fan art and just on original design in anime style, I'm okay with it. Though I think it would be a better fit for the 'On-chain' art community, or one of the many other art based communities.

Got it, thanks a lot!

Wow good to know.. is there any chance that we might get a discord channel soon

Check the description of The Anime Realm, LInk for Discord is there.

Hello, I have a question, just a little question which is... can a post a fanfic of any character or does it has to be a review? just to know in case I post it and in the rules it's wrong, salute!

Fan Fic is fine, just so long as it's anime related.

Hello! Do you Have a channel discord?

There should be an invite to the discord in the Description box on Anime Realm.

Hi there I tried to join using the link but it did not work. I think it may not be properly formatted since it says that the site cant be reached.

Odd, seemed to link me to it. I just grabbed this link for the Discord Invite for you.


Thank you so much! Appreciate it a lot.

Thank you very much for the information. I am new to the Hive community and so far I am reading the rules of some communities and very recently I joined this one, because anime is one of my favorite topics and I would love to both contribute and learn from the posts that are published here. Already with this information it is easier for me to organize ideas for future posts. Happy Afternoon XD

Hi, is hentai okay in this community?

hello, I'm about to start a post that is an original work. its a light novel/anime script and I'm looking for a good anime community or two to post it to. so was wondering if that is acceptable here? i didnt really see any original works on the feed and wanted to get your approval before i posted it here. thank you for your consideration :D

Hey man, I just recently found out about this community and im really excited to share my stories about animes.

Great, these criteria are good.
I really want to learn from posts and at the same time create some good contents.
Using this criteria, it will be of great help in my future posts in this community.
Thanks for going through the stress to point this out.

By the way, Is there any discord server for this community, because I can't find one.
I'm really eager to join.