Manga Review: Boku No Hero Acamedia 302 “The Wrong Way To Put Out A Fire, Part 2”

in The Anime Realm4 years ago

Just as I said in the previous review of Boku No Hero Acamedia, this chapter continues the flashback of the Todoroki family and their traumas. But I think this time it will be the last chapter focused on them. It is time to change and show us other consequences of the recent war, which completely changed the heroes' society.

The chapter starts with Endavor telling Rei not to let Shoto join the other kids, since he wants to focus only on his training to be the future #1 hero. In this much Endavor's obsession comes to the forefront.

Five years have passed and we see Shoto already as a child, who has been taken away from his siblings, because of the strong training he is having with his father. But this is something that Touya sees and feels even more marginalized because Endavor, in a way, abandoned him.

Touya's obsession is also seen from an early age, due to Endavor. His father implants deep in his subconscious the idea that he should be the ultimate hero of society, but due to his low resistance to fire, that is something that is impossible for him to achieve.

Touya even unloads on his mother, who also blames her for all the trauma he is going through.

After a while, Touya is seen training up to the point where he wanted to, since his flames are stronger than before, but he still hurts. And this is something that Endavor realizes and forbids him to train with his fire powers again. Already at that point the flames had changed from red to Dabi's distinctive blue.

Due to the new burns that Touya suffered, Endavor blames Rei for not protecting him, in a very heartbreaking scene, where Endavor apparently hit Rei, while Touya tries to defend her and her other two children are crying for everything that is happening. It is a very strong image, which shows even more the aggressive and abusive side of this character.

There are several scenes between past and present, in which we see Touya crying as a child and in the present Endavor talking to Rei about how the two of them couldn't stop her son. He starts burning the whole forest, and Touya himself.

Everyone accepts that they are partly to blame for Touya's transformation into Dabi. And Rei says that in spite of everything Shoto is there together with his father and that now he became the hero of the Todoroki family.

The chapter ends with Shoto extending his hand to his father, as a sign of help and forgiveness towards him and while Endavor cries, accepting all the bad things he did and having an excellent character development with an excellent redemption. He ends the chapter with Shoto saying that "They are all going to stop Touya".

All the images in the manga were taken from here


My Hero Academia is definitely a modern-day classic.