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RE: (ESP/ENG) Violet Evergarden: Un Viaje de Redención y Humanidad que Deja Huella / Violet Evergarden: A Journey of Redemption and Humanity that Leaves a Trace

in The Anime Realm7 months ago

This anime is art, I expected to see a war anime as shown in the trailers, but it turned out to be different, much more touching and with a very emotional character development in Violet ❤️

Besides, each chapter had a life story that made Violet get closer to what she feels, a beautiful anime, some stories broke my heart and made me cry, like the letters from a mother that her daughter would receive at different ages 💔😢


La cuenta ha estado fabricando críticas de películas generadas por IA.

Ups! Que pena, muchas gracias por avisar, lo tendre en cuenta ❤️