Fairy Gone [ES-EN]

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In the world of anime there are countless stories, some very strange, like other stories of everyday life. Today I remembered an anime that for me is a 50/50, it's not all good, but it's not all bad either. I must also say that it is not an anime for everyone (I'll tell you why in a moment). Not because it is weird or full gore, it's just that... there is something that doesn't make it for everyone, if you want to know what it is, stay until the end.



The story begins after a great war, where a very peculiar weapon was used, the power of the Fairies (not those pretty fairies we all would think). Our protagonist, Marlya, finds herself in an organization that investigates the illegal use of fairies. Marlya enters the underworld to dismantle all illicit acts with them, finding herself trapped in a great conflict and being possessed by a natural fairy, something very rare to happen.

With that short synopsis, you already have an idea of how the anime goes, something I should clarify, is that there are 2 types of Fairies, the artificial ones (the form used in the war), and the natural one (which only has our protagonist). The artificial ones were joined to their carrier, by a surgical intervention, in order to have many soldiers with this enormous power for the fight between countries.



I won't give you spoilers, but I will summarize the 2 seasons in a few words. Fights of fairies and carriers (few and not very special), looking for the mystery because our protagonist joined with a fairy to have contact with her, looking for a book where are the greatest secrets of these beings, end of the anime. You will think Eliud and that's all, it has its story, highs and lows, only that... it is somewhat slow and there is a point where you do not know whether to continue watching or continue to not stay with the doubt.

The reason why this anime is not for everyone, is just because of that, besides, because there are things that don't have much relevance in the anime (it's like it's filler, but it's not filler). I started watching it with the idea that there were going to be epic fights between the fairies, although there were, they focused more on something not very flashy for the viewer and the story of how they started to use them and the experimentation.



In conclusion, I liked the fact that they were fairies, there was something "different", but... that they have left the whole story in something unattractive, "a mysterious book" (that God knows where it is), loses all the charm. Something that caught my attention is that it is an original story, that is to say that it does not come from a light novel or a manga, in short, there are no references. This anime has 2 seasons, each of 12 chapters, I liked the animation (one of the reasons why I started watching it). If you want to watch it or not, well... I don't recommend it at all, I give it a 5/10.

I send you a big hug and if you have already seen the anime, leave me your impression in the comments.




En el mundo de los animes hay una cantidad incontable de historias, unas muy raras, como otras historias de la vida diaria. Hoy les me acordé de un anime que para mí es un 50/50, no está del todo bueno, pero tampoco está del todo malo. También debo de decir que no es un anime para todo el mundo (en un momento les digo el motivo). no porque sea raro o full gore, es que... hay algo que no lo hace para todo el mundo, si quieres saber que es, quédate hasta el final.



La historia comienza luego de una gran guerra, donde se usó un arma muy peculiar, el poder de las Hadas (no son esas hadas bonitas que todos pensariamos). Nuestra protagonista, Marlya, se encuentra en una organización que investiga el uso ilegal de las hadas. Marlya se adentra en el submundo para desmantelar todo acto ilícito con ellas, viéndose atrapada en un gran conflicto y siendo poseída por un hada natural, algo muy raro de pasar.

Con esa corta sinopsis, ya tienen una idea de como va el anime, algo que debo aclarar, es que hay 2 tipos de Hadas, las artificiales (la forma usada en la guerra), y la natural (que solo tiene nuestra protagonista). Las artificiales se unieron a su portador, por una intervención quirúrgica, para poder tener muchos soldados con este enorme poder para la pelea entre países.



No les daré espóiler, pero les resumiré las 2 temporadas en pocas palabras. Peleas de hadas y portadores (pocas y no muy especiales), buscando el misterio porque nuestra protagonista se unió con un hada al tener contacto con ella, buscando un libro donde están los mayores secretos de estos seres, fin del anime. Pensarán ¿Eliud y eso es todo?, tiene su historia, altos y bajos, solo que... es algo lenta y hay un punto donde no sabes si seguir viendo o continuar para no quedarte con la duda.

El motivo de porque este anime no es para todo el mundo, es justo por eso, aparte, porque hay cosas que no tienen mucha relevancia en el anime (es como si fuera relleno, pero no es relleno). Yo lo comencé a ver con la idea de que iban a haber peleas épicas entre las hadas, aunque si las hubo, se centraron más en algo poco llamativo para el televidente y a la historia de como las comenzaron a usar y la experimentación.



En conclusión, a mí me gusto el hecho de que fueran hadas, había algo "diferente", pero... que hayan dejado toda la historia en algo poco atractivo, "un libro misterioso" (que sabe dios donde está), pierde todo el encanto. Algo que me llamo mucho la atención, es que es una historia original, es decir que no viene de una novela ligera o de un manga, en pocas palabras, no hay referencias. Este anime cuenta con 2 temporadas, cada una de 12 capítulos, la animación me gusto (uno de los motivos por el cual la comencé a ver). Si lo quieren ver o no, pues... yo no lo recomiendo del todo le doy un 5/10

Les mando un fuerte abrazo y si ya vieron el anime, déjenme en los comentarios su impresión



I mostly agree with you on this. I believe my MAL score was either a 6 or a 7 out of 10 when I watched this about a year ago. Of course, I watched Izetta: the Last Witch and Irina, the Vampire Cosmonaut around the same time, both of which dealt with inserting fantastical elements into alternative histories of real world events similar to what this one did but with an overall better presentation and a tighter story.

PA Works, the studio that made this, is one of the few that I take notice of when they take on original works like this, not because they’re always good (I personally think Another is one of the worst horror Anime made in recent years, but those that are fans have a point) but because they are willing to take risks and often have great production values. Where this was above a 5 for me was in the sheer visual and audio splendor of much of it. I also felt some of the early fights were well choreographed (like the M1 Garand martial arts insanity that the main character did in one of the first episodes).

Thanks for the review. I’m glad I’m not the only person to have seen this. Also, love the animated images used for this post and the presentation. Will check out more of yours in the future. 🔥

I guess I was the only one of my friends who watch anime, I was the only one to watch it, I guess I was very attracted to the animation, hoping that at some point it would become more interesting, well... I ended up waiting for the second season, to receive more of the same.

Maybe if they bring out a third season (which I don't think they will) I'll watch it too, I still don't lose hope that it will be good in the end. I think it's unfortunate that the animation is so good, for a story that doesn't end up fitting.

It's a pleasure that you liked my review and to hear from another person who watched this anime, I thought I was the only one who watched the 2nd season hahahaha.

a hug in the distance

PS: I'm the rare one among my friends that anines that almost nobody watches, sometimes they don't end very well hahahaha,

At least the Veronica storyline got developed well enough for me. It did bring a tear. Did you get a Bacanno meets Full Metal Alchemist vibe from that second half? I’m trying to find information about the Five Fairy Scholars (the show runners of this), and I’m getting the impression they might be a doujinshi group that had enough pull to get PA Works and a committee on board.

A score of 5/10 totally puts me off wanting to see it, so thank you for your honesty. And well, anime where there are fairies never really appealed to me.

Thanks for sharing. Regards!

Yo vi la segunda temporada esperando algo mejor que la primera y no valió la pena, se mantiene plano

no lo he visto pero no es de una temática que me llame mucho la atención, aunque la animación se ve buena, igual lo tendré en cuenta jeje, bendiciones!

I haven't seen it, but it's not a theme that really catches my attention, although the animation looks good, I'll still keep it in mind hehe, blessings!

yo digo que hay mejores animes para ver, este no es algo como para quedarse enganchado 😅 lo vi, esperando mas y al final... fue lo mismo

I'm torn, should I watch or shouldn't I watch...
The trailer looks promising, and the animation is good.

Although 12 episodes where 60% is or looks like filler isn't really appetizing😂😂

Haha, it's complicated, I watched it because the theme of fairy possession seemed interesting, but... The expectations were higher than reality, hahaha.

I watched this for the sound track because that's the first thing I hooked me into the show, then the plot but eventually it went down hill. Had a good start but eventually regressed with season 2 a disappointment.

The idea they had was good, but the implementation, well... they went too much to the story and not to what was interesting, I don't think it will improve in a third season (if they encourage it).

Doubt there's a 3rd season and if there was, it's just going to be a filler expanding the lore or fixing plot holes. 2nd season is already enough for closure imo.