Review: Yuri!!! On Ice [ESP/ENG]

in The Anime Realm11 months ago

Yuri on Ice

Yuri es un patinador sobre hielo de 23 años que no tuvo un buen desempeño en el ámbito internacional y está planteando retirarse, pero su ídolo, Viktor, se toma un descanso para entrenarlo personalmente después de quedar impresionado con su interpretación. Hay un arco de entrenamiento que me pareció sorprendentemente profundo, para después entrar a las competencias. Pero es una transición tan buena a mí parecer, que el desarrollo de los personajes me parece excelente, y todo esto acompañado con una animación perfecta en todas las actualizaciones de los personajes.

Yuri Katsuki

Pero este anime no solo es deportivo, también es de romance, Viktor y Yuri tienen una química tan buena que siempre quise que estuvieran juntos. Aunque siento que lo ponen de manera justa, creo que se pudo desarrollar un poquito mas aunque considero que está lo suficiente para ser un romance en sí mismo: con un beso fuera de la pantalla y un intercambio de anillos.

Viktor Nikiforov

Algunos animes intentan ocultar esa sensación de espectáculo, diciendo cosas como "¡No dejar de mirar!" Mientras ocurre algo épico. Las actuaciones de Yuri on Ice son algo más humildes y comienzan silenciosamente con una mínima autoexplicación. De hecho es al contrario, esos monólogos internos en la mente del personaje están llenos de tanto carácter y autocrítica. Todo esto acompañado con una animación que es simplemente hermosa, las escenas de Yuri on Ice llegan a ser tan épicas en algunos casos que te mantiene pegado a la pantalla para apreciar cada mínimo detalle.

En este anime, Yuri narra todo lo que ha estado sucediendo al comienzo de cada episodio con un tono bastante simpático con unas parodias, y el ritmo rápido de estas parodias pueden tomarte completamente desprevenido, pero de buena manera. Sus escenas en muchos casos son simples y no tienen tantas cosas exageradas como otros anime, en este utilizan la cantidad justa de drama y esto mantiene ese tono cómico intacto y agradable.

Momento entre Yuri y Viktor

Una cosa que de verdad me encantó fue que sorprendentemente muchos personajes reciben una cantidad de atención bastante importante y también los desarrollan muy bien, como es el caso de Yurio, un patinador ruso de 15 años que recién ingresa a las ligas de adultos, y está tan bien desarrollado que fácilmente lo pudieras confundir con un protagonista, y aunque es todo lo opuesto a lo que Yuri, pero que se desarrolla con la misma pasión.

Yurio Plisetsky

Aunque una cosa que no me gustó de la serie fue que sentí el final bastante apresurado, todo se resolvió, para mí gusto, demasiado rápido. El torneo termina abruptamente restándole un poco de emoción al final pero igual no deja de ser épico y una historia bien desarrollada.

Personajes del anime

Yuri on Ice

Yuri is a 23-year-old ice skater who did not perform well internationally and is considering retiring, but his idol, Viktor, takes a break to coach him personally after being impressed with his performance. There is a training arc that seemed surprisingly deep to me, and then entering the competitions. But it is such a good transition in my opinion that the development of the characters seems excellent, and all this accompanied by perfect animation in all the character updates.

Yuri Katsuki

But this anime is not only sports, it is also about romance, Viktor and Yuri have such good chemistry that I always wanted them to be together. Although I feel like they put it fairly, I think it could have been developed a little more, although I think it's enough to be a romance in itself: with an off-screen kiss and an exchange of rings.

Viktor Nikiforov

Some anime try to hide that sense of spectacle, saying things like "Keep watching!" While something epic happens. Yuri on Ice's performances are somewhat more humble, beginning quietly with minimal self-explanation. In fact it's the opposite, those internal monologues in the character's mind are full of so much character and self-criticism. All this accompanied by an animation that is simply beautiful, the scenes of Yuri on Ice become so epic in some cases that it keeps you glued to the screen to appreciate every minute detail.

In this anime, Yuri narrates everything that has been happening at the beginning of each episode in a rather sympathetic tone with some parodies, and the fast pace of these parodies can catch you completely off guard, but in a good way. In many cases his scenes are simple and do not have as many exaggerated things as other anime, in this one they use the right amount of drama and this keeps that comic tone intact and pleasant.

Moment between Yuri and Viktor

One thing I really loved was that surprisingly many characters receive a fairly significant amount of attention and are also developed very well, as is the case with Yurio, a 15-year-old Russian skater who is just entering the adult leagues, and is so well developed that you could easily confuse him with a protagonist, and although he is the complete opposite of Yuri, he is developed with the same passion.

Yurio Plisetsky

Although one thing I didn't like about the series was that I felt the ending was quite rushed, everything was resolved, for my taste, too quickly. The tournament ends abruptly, taking away a bit of emotion at the end, but it is still epic and has a well-developed story.

anime characters


Confieso que el nombre de este anime me hacia no querer verlo, porque ya sabes, lo del "Yuri" y el "Yaoi" jajaja, pero, cuando vi de que trataba se me hizo muy interesante más nunca lo vi... Gracias por compartirlo con la comunidad!

I confess that the name of this anime made me not want to watch it, because you know, the "Yuri" and the "Yaoi" hahaha, but when I saw what it was about, it was very interesting but I never watched it... Thanks for sharing it with the community!

Que no te asuste el nombre del anime jajaja ese es el nombre del personaje :D aunque si es yaoi y si no te gustan los BL este anime no te va a gustar mucho :( aunque la historia, animación y todo en general es bastante bueno.

Don't be scared by the name of the anime hahaha that is the name of the character :D although it is yaoi and if you don't like BL you won't like this anime very much :( although the story, animation and everything in general is quite good.

I have only heard positive things about this anime, although it is true that it is not a sports genre that calls my attention, I think that for its story and plot I could give it a chance.

Excellent post dear. I want to take this opportunity to remind you that it is important to visit and support the posts of other users to continue growing and building this community.

Thanks for posting with us. Greetings!!!

It is a very good anime and everything is well done, the skating, the character development, the comedy and many other things are done excellently.

Thank you very much for seeing my publication and while I can I will visit others in the community, only right now I have little time for some things :( Greetings.

I loved this anime, I was looking forward to the release of the next chapter. I always loved ice skating, it's a frustrated dream I have and when I found out about this anime with this theme I didn't hesitate and gave it a chance, not knowing that I would end up falling in love with the story ❤️

It is very beautiful, pure, innocent and shows us a little more of what is behind this great sport. You learn a lot more about the techniques, the nerves haha I loved it, very good review 👌

I wanted to see it because it is a sports anime, romance and comedy hahaha but it was romance hahaha although it stands out in everything, it is very good :D

me agrada la animación, se ve interesante, no lo había oído pero lo tendré en cuenta para verlo jeje

I like the animation, it looks interesting, I hadn't heard about it but I'll keep it in mind to see it hehehe.

Si es bastante buena la animación :D el como adaptan las acrobacias me parece espectacular.

Yes, the animation is quite good :D The way they adapt the stunts seems spectacular to me.

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