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RE: Boku no Hero Academia: El Pináculo del Género Shonen [ESP - ENG]

in The Anime Realm2 months ago

Just today I shared my opinion about this anime. I watched the first season and part of the second one, and I must say that I liked the first one and the second one was pretty good for a good part but then the story became tedious and I stopped watching it. Also because of some reviews and a comment from a friend, I didn't dare to finish the following seasons.

I agree with the point of view about My Hero Academia. A point of view that gives us about the story of this movie is something Cliché but also has its interesting things. The animation, artwork and soundtrack I loved it as far as I saw it.

Thanks for giving us your opinion about this anime. It's not bad, I just lost interest at some point.



Te entiendo amigo, en cierto punto me sentí igual, pero le di una segunda oportunidad y a partir de ahí seguí viendo, ahora solo quiero ver el final y ser feliz