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RE: Manga Mondays #24: Share Some Manga Recommendations

in The Anime Realm4 months ago

When I think about "weird" manga or people ask me to recommend an absurd anime, I recommend Dorohedoro.

The title is already finished, it got a very good adaptation from the MAPPA studio (the endings are a fucking masterpiece, like in Jojo's Bizzare Adventure from David Production).

This title is striking in its strangeness from the very beginning - unusual characters, a crazy sense of humor full of references to gore, sex, and an initially nonsensical plot (meaning, until we see what it is about, the plot is not about anything specific, we just observe the characters who move in world they know well).

The main characters are Kaiman and Nikaido. Kaiman is a giant who was transformed by a magician. The transformation is that he lost his real head and got a reptilian head instead. Additionally, Kaiman doesn't remember anything and has another person's head inside him. For this reason, he catches random people, puts their heads in his mouth, and then asks "what did that guy say?!" As is the case with semi-stupid protagonists, Kaiman has a short memory and is hungry, so he instinctively eats their heads xD. Sometimes he does it before he even asks. His friend is Nikaido, who also has her secrets. Together they travel through the inner world (known as the Hole) and the outer world, wanting to explain their secrets.


btw. @adamada - Regarding point 5 (sharing the link on social media) - if I add a link to the post on my FB fanpage in this way, will it be OK?

I think so~ thanks for the effort~