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RE: Futurology & What Did 1995's Ghost in the Shell Predict? / Futurologia & co przewidział Ghost in the Shell z 1995?

in The Anime Realm2 days ago

I'm just starting to collect books from this genre. I have 1 book by Lem, two from the Altered Carbon trilogy and 1 volume of Hyperion (although I think it's a different genre). Up until now I've preferred other titles, but it's time to take on something more demanding :).

Thanks for mentioning psychohistory, thanks to you I learned a new word :). Interesting topic. I'm almost certain that it is. Smarter people simply connect the dots before others. The more pressure, happiness and willingness to work they have, the easier it is for them to achieve it

And the latest GitS series were just... I haven't watched them and I've heard different opinions, but well... You probably remember how popular the "classic" animations signed with the Ghost in the Shell brand were.


Did you look it up? For anybody reading this, psychohistory is a term by Asimov - the science invented by the character Harry Seldon that turns huge amounts of historical data into statistically unerring mathematically proven predictions.

Hyperion is still soft sci-fi and it's awesome, all four books from the so called Cantos.

I bought Altered Carbon almost a year ago and still haven't been able to get to reading it. I've read a translation of volume two about fifteen years ago.