Spinning articles is frowned upon by the community, you've made very little effort in switching some words around from the source and posting this. This is a warning and next time we'll have to mute your account from our community as we prefer original content and your own thoughts and opinions instead.
Mute me in his position. I told him to share information that he thinks is useful to the HIVE communities. With the premise of always stating the sources and try to rephrase it as far as he would feel confident to do.
Now to you;
You don't have to approve it, you don't have to upvote it, you can downvote it. He used your 'tag' actually even accidentally and he's not even half your age, I guarantee that. Now get your act together in front of kids. Those threats are uncalled for, behave like a leader and not like a bully.
Hmmm - I can not see the content anymore but given I know @manniman and @marviman both as great folks I am a bit curious what was the reason for any downvote from @hivegc - sure all can be settled, no one is perfect.