Interstella 5555 is amazing [ENG/ESP]

in The Anime Realm3 months ago


What's up community? I hope you are all well and are enjoying this month, which is the most beautiful of the year, today I come to review an anime movie that really is very different from everything I've reviewed so far. It is Interestella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5system, it is a French-Japanese movie that is basically an animated sequence of the album Discovery by Daft Punk.

¿Que tal comunidad? Espero que todos se encuentren muy bien y esten disfrutando este mes, que es el mas bonito del año, hoy vengo a hacer reseña de una película de anime que la verdad es muy diferente a todo lo que he reseñado hasta ahora. Se trata de Interestella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem, es una película francojaponesa que básicamente es una secuencia animada del álbum Discovery de Daft Punk.


This movie was originally released in 2003, but, at least in Colombia a remastered version was trained for theaters with a single screening per day for 3 days in some specific theaters and, although I had already seen it previously with my partner, he is a big fan of Daft Punk and was not going to miss the opportunity to see it in the theater (which was completely worth it, and I say this as someone who occasionally enjoys some Daft Punk). As I said, the movie is the visualization of the Discovery album, but, that's only on the surface, although it doesn't feature any dialogue, you can clearly see what the movie is about and, the legendary Leiji Matsumoto was the graphic supervisor.

Esta película fue originalmente estrenada en 2003, pero, al menos en Colombia fue entrenada una versión remasterizada para cines con una única función al día por 3 días en algunos cines en especifico y, aunque yo ya la había visto anteriormente junto a mi pareja, el es muy fan de Daft Punk y no iba a perder la oportunidad de verla en el cine (cosa que valió completamente la pena, y lo digo como alguien que disfruta ocasionalmente algo de Daft Punk). Como dije, la película es la visualización del álbum Discovery, pero, eso es solo en la superficie, aunque no cuenta con ningún diálogo, se puede ver claramente de que va la película y, el legendario Leiji Matsumoto fue el supervisor gráfico.


The film narrates the kidnapping, rescue and return of an alien band, who were kidnapped by someone heavy in the music industry who, as can be seen in the film, is used to kidnap good musicians from other planets and take them to earth. This character completely manipulates the appearance and personality of the artist, he has them as zombies, manipulates their memories and when they are no longer useful, he discards them as simple things. I really think this movie is quite an experience and is quite deep if you pay attention to it, all this with Daft Punk music in the background.

La película narra el secuestro, rescate y regreso de una banda alienígena, los cuales fueron secuestrados por alguien pesado de la industria musical que, según se puede ver en la película, está acostumbrado a secuestrar buenos músicos de otros planetas y llevarlos a la tierra. Dicho personaje manipula completamente la apariencia y personalidad del artista, los tiene como zombis, manipula sus recuerdos y cuando ya no les son de utilidad, los desecha como simples cosas. La verdad creo que esta película es toda una experiencia y es bastante profunda si le prestas atención, todo esto con música de Daft Punk de fondo.


I really don't know where you can see the movie (legally), as I mentioned before, just yesterday I went to see it at the cinema (not to brag), but I really recommend it, and I really don't think you need to be a Daft Punk fan to enjoy it and understand it. I hope you are encouraged to see this movie and if you have already seen it, tell me what you think about it. I'll say goodbye for now, thank you very much for reading and see you later in another post ❤️

Realmente desconozco donde se puede ver la película (legalmente), como mencioné anteriormente, justo ayer la fui a ver al cine (no es por presumir), pero realmente la recomiendo, y la verdad no creo necesario tener que ser fan de Daft Punk para poder disfrutarla y entenderla. Espero que se animen a ver esta película y si ya la vieron, cuéntenme que opinan acerca de ella. Yo por ahora me despido, muchas gracias por leerme y nos vemos luego en otro post ❤️

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Item 3 Excited for 2025 Anime:
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Translated by DeepL

Traducido por DeepL


I loved this movie, I knew it by the music video of One More Time haha and left me with the intrigue of how the story continued, no dialogue, only with good background music, managed to create a nice story 😍 although I felt sorry for the one who saved them 💔

For a moment I thought it was going to be saved, but no, it was pretty sad, I admit 😢.

está interesante, no la habia escuchado, buen post!

interesting, I had not heard, good post!

Yo tampoco había visto mucho acerca de esta película, pero está bien interesante y si no te molesta que en una película no hayan diálogos creo que la podrías disfrutar

I was thinking to go to the movie theater by next week to re watch it for 283883 time bit at cinema and it is a cool surprise (for me) to see people who has loved this masterpiece. And of course, everything is better thanks to Daft Punk. Of course.

I haven't seen this movie so many times, but I can still say that it is a masterpiece and watching it in the cinema is a completely different experience, it is sensational. Thank you very much for stopping by!

PS: I was also surprised when I went to the movie theater to see so many people.