Studio Ghibli films are truly magical, they make our imagination fly with such incredible sceneries full of magical creatures and endearing characters, and, of course, many of these productions have references to Japanese folklore and myths.
What's up community? I hope you are very well, I am happy to share one more post with you, this time, talking about a studio that I like a lot since it has very good (and iconic) movies, I will talk about some of the ones I have noticed and researched what cultural elements they contain from their country of origin.
Las películas del Studio Ghibli son verdaderamente mágicas, nos hacen volar la imaginación con tan increíbles escenarios cargados de criaturas mágicas y personajes entrañables, y, por supuesto, muchas de estas producciones tienen referencias al folclore y mitos japoneses.
¿Que tal comunidad? Espero que estén muy bien, me alegra compartir un post mas con ustedes, esta vez, hablando de un estudio que me gusta mucho ya que tiene muy buenas (e icónicas) películas, hablare de algunas de las que he notado e investigado que elementos culturales contienen de su país de origen.
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
El Cuento de la Princesa Kaguya
This is the most obvious since it adapts this Japanese tale to a movie that I highly recommend, some time ago I made a post about this movie where I explained that it is an adaptation. It tells the story of a bamboo cutter who one day, while cutting a bamboo, saw that the trunk lit up and inside it there was a tiny girl, he and his wife had not had children so he decided to take her home. If you want to know more about this Japanese story, I invite you again to see this beautiful movie made by Studio Ghibli, as I think it adapts the story quite well.
Este es el mas evidente ya que, adapta este cuento japones a una película que la verdad, recomiendo mucho, hace tiempo hice un post sobre esta película donde explicaba que es una adaptación. Esta relata que un cortador de bambú un día al cortar uno, vio que el tronco iluminaba y dentro de el había una diminuta niña, el y su esposa no habían tenido hijos así que decidió llevarla a casa. Si quieren saber mas sobre este relato japones, los invito nuevamente a ver esta hermosa película que hizo el Studio Ghibli, ya que creo que adapta bastante bien el cuento.
Spirited Away
El Viaje de Chihiro
This film is one of the most emblematic of Studio Ghibli, in fact, it is one of the only two Japanese animated films to win an Oscar (I will not get tired of repeating that fact), but, I am not here to talk about that kind of things but, about some of the references of Japanese folklore present in this great film. We know that in Japan (well, according to everything I have seen in audiovisual media, because I don't live in Japan) the figure of the “Kami” (or gods) are very present in their culture, and this movie is no exception, we know that the clients of the spa where Chihiro works are different gods, but we have other references like the giant baby son of Yubaba which is inspired by a popular folk hero in Japan called Kintaro. Also as Haku is a water spirit, it is really very interesting all the folkloric theme in this movie, if you want to know more, I invite you to read the note on which I based to write this post here.
Esta película es una de las mas emblemáticas de Studio Ghibli, de hecho, es una de las dos únicas películas de animación japonesa en ganar un Oscar (no me voy a cansar de repetir ese dato), pero, no estoy aquí para hablar de ese tipo de cosas sino, de algunas de las referencias del folclore japones presentes en esta gran película. Sabemos que en Japón (bueno, según todo lo que he visto en medios audiovisuales, porque no vivo en Japón) la figura de los "Kami" (o dioses) están muy presentes en su cultura, y esta película no es la excepción, sabemos que los clientes del balneario en el que trabajo Chihiro son distintos dioses, pero tenemos otras referencias como el bebé gigante hijo de Yubaba el cual esta inspirado en un héroe folclórico popular en Japón llamado Kintaro. Asimismo como Haku es un espíritu del agua, realmente está muy interesante todo el tema folclorico en esta pelicula, si quieren saber mas, los invito a leer la nota en la que me basé para escribir este post aquí.
The Boy and the Heron
El Chico y la Garza
Of course there are also references to Japanese folklore in this movie, the most recent Studio Ghibli movie is wonderful and researching here and there, I found a very interesting note (which you can read in full here) regarding the figure of the heron, which in Japanese folklore its meaning is linked more to the mysterious, death and spirits, which makes sense to me watching the movie.
Por supuesto que también en esta película hay referencias al folclore japones, la mas reciente película de Studio Ghibli es maravillosa e investigando aquí y allá, encontré una nota (que la pueden leer completa aquí) muy interesante con respecto al tema de la figura de la garza, la cual en el folclore japones su significado va ligado mas a lo misterioso, la muerte y los espíritus, que para mi tiene bastante sentido viendo la película.
The truth was very interesting for me to investigate these incorporations of Japanese folklore in anime, it gave me a broader look at their culture and I really enjoyed participating in the Month Quest. I hope you liked my post, I'll say goodbye for now, thank you very much for reading and I'll see you later in another post ❤️
La verdad fue muy interesante para mi investigar estas incorporaciones del folclore japones en el anime, me dio una mirada mas amplia a su cultura y me gustó mucho participar en el Month Quest. Espero que les haya gustado mucho mi post, yo por ahora me despido, muchas gracias por leerme y nos vemos luego en otro post ❤️
Item 1 Anime Posts:
Item 2 Cultural Anime:
Link 3
Item 3 Small Events:
Link 1 @ibet/haikyuu-the-dumpster-battle-is
Link 2 @ibet/kimetsu-no-yaiba-hashira-training
Link 1 @ibet/japanese-folklore-elements-in-naruto
Link 2
Link 1 @ibet/re-wittyzell-20241111t12530729z
Link 2
Link 3
Translated by DeepL
Traducido por DeepL
The only one I watched was El viaje de Chihiro, but I find it interesting and excellent that they include in some movies the Japanese folklore and myths, so one is not only moved by the story of the movie but also learns the culture hehe
I made a point to watch all (or almost all) of the Ghibli movies, they are really beautiful!
sus películas son bonitas y muy interesantes, te dejan reflexionar mucho de la vida, buen post!
his movies are beautiful and very interesting, they let you reflect a lot about life, good post!
Esa es una de las cosas que me gustan mucho de Ghibli, con sus películas siempre tienes algo que aprender, gracias por pasarte!
That's one of the things I really like about Ghibli, with his films you always have something to learn, thanks for passing by!
Ahhh spirit away! 🥹 I'll never get tired of watching it over and over.
And it's great, because it's a very good movie! Thanks for stopping by!
References abound in these three films, so they are perfect examples of how Japanese folklore influences the creativity of mangaka and animation studios.
Thanks for sharing. Greetings!!!
I really did and I really enjoyed researching about the references to Japanese culture in their movies, it was a very interesting task!
What a coincidence that there is no Studio Ghibli movie that I don't like. Each one in particular is special in its own way both for its stories and its characters, and the fact that many of these iconic characters are inspired by gods and famous people of Japanese culture gives it that special and fantastic touch. It's like learning about the history of Japan but in such a colorful and wonderful way as only this animation studio has managed to do after so many years.
Excellent post.