Serial Experiments Lain: What would happen if the line between reality and the web were blurred? [ENG/ESP]

in The Anime Realm7 months ago


Greetings! I hope you are doing well today and I hope you had a great weekend, honestly these days took me forever for some strange reason, but, today I'm back to share with you a little of what I've been watching since last week, and no, today there is no place for romance, the series I'll talk about today is a bit confusing like Evangelion, but with fewer episodes, ideal for those who like me do not spend much time watching a series ...

¡Saludos! Espero que se encuentren muy bien el día de hoy y espero que hayan tenido un muy buen fin de semana, sinceramente se me hicieron eternos estos días por alguna extraña razón, pero, hoy estoy de nuevo para compartirles un poco de lo que llevo viendo desde la semana pasada, y no, hoy no hay lugar para el romance, la serie de la que hablare hoy es un poco confusa como Evangelion, pero, con menos episodios, ideal para los que como yo no le dedican tanto tiempo a ver una serie...


Serial Experiments Lain is a 1998 series broadcast by TV Tokyo that focuses on the life of Lain Iwakura, a high school student who is quite shy and introverted, living with her family which consists of her also quiet sister Mika, her mother who is completely cold and her father who is obsessed with computers. Lain's life begins to change when one of her classmates is dismayed because Chisa Yomoda sent an email to her and everyone in the class, the weird thing? Chisa had committed suicide a week earlier. Lain gets home and sees that Chisa has also sent an email to her and instead of being afraid, she becomes more curious about the net and asks her father to buy her a Navi (a computer).

Serial Experiments Lain es una serie de 1998 transmitida por TV Tokyo que se centra en la vida de Lain Iwakura, una estudiante de secundaria que es bastante tímida e introvertida, que vive con su familia la cual esta conformada por su también callada hermana Mika, su madre que es completamente fría y su padre que esta obsesionado con las computadoras. La vida de Lain empieza a cambiar cuando una de sus compañeras esta consternada porque Chisa Yomoda le envió un correo a ella y a todos los de la clase, ¿lo raro? Es que Chisa se había suicidado una semana antes. Lain al llegar a casa ve que Chisa también le ha enviado un correo a ella y en vez de sentir miedo, siente mas curiosidad por la red y le pide a su padre que le compre una Navi (una computadora).


It's a little crazy to realize how this series was way ahead of its time, since nowadays we live practically 24/7 connected and distance is no longer an impediment. Now, many of you may be reading me in different parts of the world at the same time and technology is advancing more and more towards making it possible for us to be anywhere in the world without leaving home.

Es un poco loco darse cuenta de como esta serie estaba bastante adelantada a su época, ya que en estos momentos vivimos prácticamente 24/7 conectados y la distancia ya no es un impedimento. Ahora, muchos de ustedes puede que me estén leyendo en distintas partes de mundo al mismo tiempo y la tecnología cada vez avanza mas hacia lograr que estemos en cualquier parte del mundo sin salir de casa.


To be honest, I've wanted to watch this series for a long time, but I always fell asleep trying, but when I decided to watch it, I didn't blink an eye. It may seem a little slow, but if you look at the details, things out of the ordinary happen from the very first episode. On the other hand, the animation and drawing style of this one reminds me a lot of the movie Perfect Blue (which by the way I reviewed a few months ago and you can read here if you like), in which also strange things happen and you have to pay close attention, so if you are looking for a series to disconnect your brain, this is not one of them. I hope you are encouraged to watch Serial Experiments Lain soon, and if you already saw it tell me what you thought, I'll say goodbye for now, thank you very much for reading and see you later in another post ❤️

Si les soy sincera, esta serie la quería ver desde hace mucho, pero siempre me quedaba dormida en el intento, pero cuando me decidí a verla, no pestañee ni un momento. Puede que parezca un poco lenta, pero si te fijas en los detalles, las cosas fuera de lo común ocurren desde el primer capitulo. Por otro lado, el estilo de animación y de dibujo de esta me recuerda mucho a la de la película Perfect Blue (que por cierto hace unos meses le hice reseña la cual puedes leer aquí si gustas), en la cual también pasan cosas extrañas y tienes que prestar mucha atención, así que si buscas una serie para desconectar el cerebro, esta no es una. Espero que te animes a ver Serial Experiments Lain pronto, y si ya la viste cuéntame que te pareció, yo por ahora me despido, muchas gracias por leerme y nos vemos luego en otro post ❤️

Translated by DeepL

Traducido por DeepL


Recuerdo la primera vez que vi la seria.... tuve que verla unas 3 veces mas hasta que mas o menos la entendi...

Es que le meten cosas filosóficas bien locas y la serie casi casi que juega con la mente de uno jajajajaja

si... bueno despues de verla unas 6 veces por fin pude medio comprender lo que trataba de transmitir.

Thanks for the review. This is a series that took me a long while to get to myself. I was never in the headspace for it until around a decade ago. It’s one of my “rabbit hole” series where I watched it, researched it and obsessed over so many details in it. For example, I’ve been following the core writer for years now: . Many of his non-Anime / manga credits involve Lovecraftian horror fiction. 🫣

I too, after I saw it complete, I started looking for information about it and articles that would help me understand a little more about it, this link will help me a lot, thanks for stopping by!

Nunca había oído hablar sobre esa serie, pero al ver su estilo de dibujo se me hace un poco evidente que es de los años 90's.

Creo que ésta serie no mucha gente la conoce, son pocos los animes de esos años que son populares y éste es bastante confuso así que seguramente por eso la gente no lo ha visto y no habla tanto de él

Seems very interesting. The '90s have a lot to offer when it comes to anime and I am going to argue that the '90s is one of the best decades of animation which in turn paved the way for countless anime today.

That's very true, the 90's have hidden gems that are worth seeing.

It reminds me of when a neighbor of mine passed away and a few days later my mom comes to me and says "the neighbor saw my facebook history", clearly someone else was using his account, but she got scared 😂

I love stories with mysteries and weird stuff, even though I'm very slow to understand them, they always surprise me haha

Hahaha poor your mom, she must have been so scared. I like mystery stories too, but not horror stories, they scare me hahahaha

se ve buena, este tipo de trama me llama la atención y me gusta analizarlo jeje

it looks good, this kind of plot catches my attention and I like to analyze it hehehe

Entonces definitivamente deberías ver esta serie!

Creo que te cruzaste algo bueno. Me compraste con la premisa y con que son pocos episodios. Comparto contigo el gusto por las series cortas. Por eso dudo poder ver One Piece.
Saludos!! 👽

Yo también dudo de ver One Piece por eso mismo jajajajajaja
Gracias por pasarte

One of my all time favorite series. The technological reference to Apple, and other tech like Be Corporation was ahead of it's time and was a technologist dream.

Same with the cyberpunk literature like Cyberia and the metaverse.

The whole show goes into deep psychological analysis about belief and technology as perceptions of alternative realities. In Lain the world works as an operating system where everyone is a process (just like Unix and Matrix and Tron) and super users break to be able to manipulate process at will.

Oh, right, I hadn't thought of the Matrix! This series really was way ahead of its time!

Actually there was a Lain-Matrix connection. The wachowsky brothers admitted they took inspiration from Lain and ghost in the shell.

Wow, it's great to know all these interesting facts, thanks so much for sharing!

It also has one of my favorite anime songs of all time.

Y sus remixes

This song it's soooo good