What's up anime loving community? I hope you are doing great. It's been a long time since I've been here and what better occasion than to participate in this month's Month Quest. As you may know, I've been watching Naruto Shippuden again skipping the filler (we all know it has a lot of that) and I finally finished watching the whole thing, the truth is that I really enjoyed watching it again, it made me remember many moments from when I was still watching it on air, that said, I want to mention something that I found quite curious.
¿Que tal comunidad amante del anime? Espero que esten muy bien. Hacía mucho tiempo que no me pasaba por aqui y que mejor ocasión que participar en en Month Quest del presente mes. Como sabrán, he estado viendo de nuevo Naruto Shippuden saltandome el relleno (todos sabemos que tiene mucho de eso) y al fin lo terminé de ver completo, la verdad es que me gustó mucho verlo de nuevo, me hizo recordar muchos momentos de cuando aun lo veia en emisión, dicho esto, quiero mencionar algo que me pareció bastante curioso.
You see, we all know that Naruto and Naruto Shippuden have a lot of filler chapters that are enough to do a quick search on the internet and skip them all, but, I realized that even in the chapters that are canon, there is some filler in them, especially in the fourth ninja war, to give an example, I have to talk about Obito always remembered every time his former teammate named Rin, which obviously after a chapter. It was probably to remind the viewer of everything that is happening at the moment, since many times there are like 15 filler chapters and if we count that at the time the chapters came out almost weekly so those who watched Naruto, had to watch the filler chapter or just not watch Naruto that week, as it happened to me many times.
Veran, todos sabemos que Naruto y Naruto Shippuden tienen muchisimos capitulos que son de relleno que bastan con hacer una busqueda rapida en interet y saltarselos todos, pero, me di cuenta que incluso en los capitulos que son canon, hay algo de relleno en ellos, sobre todo en la cuarta guerra ninja, por poner un ejemplo, tengo que hablar de Obito siempre recordaba en cada ocasion a su ex compañera de equipo llamada Rin, que obviamente luego de un capitulo. Seguramente era para hacerle recordar al espectador todo lo que está sucediendo en el momento, ya que muchas veces van como 15 capítulos de relleno y si contamos de que en su momento salían los capítulos casi semanales asi que quienes veian Naruto, tenían que ver el capitulo de relleno o simplemente no ver Naruto esa semana, como me pasó a mi muchas veces.
That said, I bring up again the issue of Obito and his extreme obsession with his ex-teammate, Rin.
When I skipped the filler and only watched the canon chapters, I couldn't help but notice that even the chapters that should be canon, have filler, I spent so many chapters very close together, where I had to see Obito's past with his teammates and how he “died” him, Rin. The only thing that I think was worth it were the chapters where they show how Obito survived being crushed by a giant boulder. But the other chapters were either remembering how Rin died and also remembering his days when he was part of the Minato team. The first few times it was okay, but going through the same memories so much in a row for several chapters got me so fed up that I would even fast forward until the flashback happened, it became insufferable.
Dicho esto, vuelvo a mencionar el tema de Obito y su extaña obsesión con su ex-compañera de equipo, Rin.
Cuando me salté el relleno y solo vi los capitulos canon, no pude evitar darme cuenta de que incluso los capitulos que deberian ser canon, tienen relleno, me pasé tantos capítulos muy seguidos entre si, donde tenia que ver el pasado de Obito con sus compañeros y cómo "murió" él, Rin. Lo único que creo que valió la pena fueron los capítulos donde muestran el como pudo sobrevivir obito al que quedase aplastado por una piedra gigantesca. Pero los demas capítulos eran o recordando como murió Rin y también recordando sus días cuando era parte del equipo Minato. Las primeras veces estuvo bien, pero pasar los mismos recuerdos tan seguidos por varios capítulos me llevó al hartazgo que incluso adelantaba hasta que pasara el flashback, se volvió insufrible.
Naruto is still one of my favorite series that was part of my childhood, but I still think it's valid to complain about this kind of things, I'm not really lying, you can see for yourselves that what I say here is true. Without more to add, I would like to know what you think about the excess of flashback in Naruto. I'll say goodbye for now, thank you very much for reading and I'll see you later in another post ❤️
Naruto sigue siendo de mis series favoritas que formó parte de mi infancia, pero aún asi creo que es válido quejarme de este tipo de cosas, realmente no miento, pueden comprobarlo por ustedes mismos que lo que digo aqui es cierto. Sin mas que agregar, me gustaría saber que opinan ustedes acerca del exceso de flashback en Naruto. Yo por ahora me despido, muchas gracias por leerme y nos vemos luego en otro post ❤️
Translated by DeepL
Traducido por DeepL
Naruto is one of my favorite anime, but the filler is crap. Forgive my sincerity and rawness hahahahaha.
I was hoping that in Obito's flashbacks we would see Minato's strength for example, and why he was feared in the ninja world, but fuck. There was nothing good there.
Plus we see that the fourth ninja war was only about Rin, not very argumentative. No logic, I explain.