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RE: Suicide Squad Isekai: The Anime Version of DC Comics (Eng-Spa)

este anime me causo mucha curiosidad solamente por ver a Harley y al joker animados y aunque como dices sus diseños son fantásticos, no me ha terminado de llamar la atención para verla, es curioso verlos en un Isekai pero creo que como las películas me parecieron algo normal y hasta aburridas en algún punto no le he dado la oportunidad al anime, aunque viendo que no es tan interesante como dices y que decidieron darle un rumbo similar a la película, puede que lo deje en lista un tiempo al menos hasta que este completo el anime.

this anime made me very curious just to see Harley and the joker animated and although as you say their designs are fantastic, it has not caught my attention to see it, it is curious to see them in an Isekai but I think that as the movies seemed to me something normal and even boring at some point I have not given the opportunity to the anime, although seeing that it is not as interesting as you say and that they decided to give it a similar direction to the movie, I may leave it on the list for a while at least until the anime is complete.