🔸🔹 TOP 5 ANIME 🔹🔸 My favorites / Mis favoritos [ENG|ESP]

Best regards Hive community. 🎬📽️

Un saludo cordial comunidad de Hive. 🎬📽️


Image edited by me, using photoshop / Imagen editada por mí, con photoshop

Fuente 1 Fuente 2 Fuente 3 Fuente 4

Even though I post almost every week in the community, I'm not really a connoisseur and consumer of the anime world. Even so, I wanted to make a top with my favorite series. I hope you like it and enjoy it.

A pesar de que publico casi todas las semanas en la comunidad, realmente no soy muy conocedor y consumidor del mundo del anime. Aun así, quise hacer un top con mis series preferidas. Espero que les guste y lo disfruten.





We start with a series that absolutely everyone should know and that have a great recognition worldwide. I know that Death Note is generic and boring, but I put it here because this anime was my entrance to this world. Besides, it's really very good, it has endearing characters like L, a very entertaining story, a great soundtrack and decent animation.

Empezamos con una serie que absolutamente todos deben conocer y que tienen un gran reconocimiento a nivel mundial. Yo sé que poner Death Note es genérico y aburrido, pero la coloqué porque este anime fue mi entrada a este mundo. Aparte, realmente es muy buena, tiene personajes entrañables como L, una historia muy entretenida, una gran banda sonora y una animación decente.






I remember when I started watching this series, I didn't like the animation at all. It seemed strange and somewhat grotesque. But after watching a couple of episodes, I was hooked until the end.

Recuerdo que cuando comencé a ver esta serie, no me gustaba para nada su animación. Se me hacía extraña y algo grotesca. Pero después de ver un par de capítulos, me atrapó hasta el final.



Making a very brief summary. This story is about a young man named Kaiji who inherits a large debt from his friend. To try to pay what he owes, he gets into the world of illegal gambling. Where he puts his physical integrity and his human rights at stake. The protagonist making use of his cunning, manages to find different methods or tricks to find the trap of the different games.

Haciendo un muy breve resumen. Esta historia trata sobre un joven llamado Kaiji que hereda una gran deuda de su amigo. Para intentar pagar lo que debe, se mete en el mundo de las apuestas ilegales. Donde pone en juego su integridad física y sus derechos humanos. El protagonista haciendo uso de su astucia, logra encontrar distintos métodos o trucos para encontrar la trampa de los distintos juegos.




I was really surprised how much I came to like this anime. To the point that I've been anxiously waiting for the third season for 2 years now. Which at this rate, it seems like it's never going to come out 😅.

Realmente, me sorprendió mucho lo que me llegó a gustar este anime. Al punto de que hace 2 años que estoy esperando ansiosamente por la tercera temporada. Que a este ritmo, parece que no va a salir nunca 😅



I really like his protagonist because he is very unique and particular. Saitama is someone with enormous strength and power, which makes him able to defeat practically all of his enemies in one blow. This is a source of intrigue and mystery because so far the reason for such incredible power, capable of rivaling gods, has not been revealed.

Me gusta mucho su protagonista porque es muy singular y particular. Saitama es alguien con una fuerza y un poder descomunal, lo que hace que pueda derrotar a prácticamente todos sus enemigos de un golpe. Esto es motivo de intriga y misterio porque hasta el momento no se reveló la razón de tal increíble poder, capaz de rivalizar con dioses.

🔹 2. DORORO 🔹



This is the most recent anime on the list. I remember around 2023 I had seen a video on Instagram of a guy talking about a series about a guy who was born without limbs, skin and internal organs. Who had to defeat different demons to get his parts back. With that premise it was pretty easy to get curious.

Este es el anime más reciente de la lista. Recuerdo que por el 2023 había visto un video en Instagram de un tipo que hablaba sobre una serie de un chico que nació sin extremidades, piel y órganos internos. Que tenía que derrotar a distintos demonios para recuperar sus partes. Con esa premisa era muy fácil que te genere curiosidad.



I was gripped by its interesting plot and stayed for how captivating it was. Seeing how the protagonist is regaining his humanity as he recovers his parts is beautiful. How he learns to talk, to listen, to touch, to feel. It is very nice. Besides, different social dilemmas are explored, such as whether it is fair to sacrifice your child for the prosperity of your nation. I really recommend it to everyone. And the best thing is that it only has 24 chapters.

Fui atrapado por su trama interesante y me quedé por lo cautivadora que fue. Ver como el protagonista va recuperando su humanidad a medida que recupera sus partes, es algo muy bonito. Como aprende a hablar, escuchar, a tocar, a sentir. Es muy bonito. Aparte que se exploran distintos dilemas sociales, como si es justo sacrificar a tu hijo por la prosperidad de tu nación. Realmente, se la recomiendo a todo el mundo. Y lo mejor es que solo tiene 24 capítulos.




This series for me is simply perfect. It has everything, excellent characters, a very good soundtrack, a very well written plot, a very good animation and a sublime character development. Not only that this is my favorite anime, it's my favorite series in general. For me it's a 10/10

Esta serie para mí es simplemente, perfecta. Tiene todo, personajes excelentes, una banda sonora muy buena, una trama muy bien escrita, una muy buena animación y un desarrollo de personaje sublime. No solo que este es mi anime preferido, es mi serie favorita en general. Para mí es un 10/10



Impossible to talk about Fullmetal Alchemis Brotherhood in just two paragraphs, I would need 3 or 4 whole blogs to be able to properly express why it is so good.

Imposible hablar de fullmetal Alchemis Brotherhood en solo dos párrafos, necesitaría 3 o 4 blogs enteros para poder expresar correctamente porque es tan buena.



In short, this story is about brothers Edward and Alphonse Elrick. Two boys who committed a sin that would mark them significantly. They attempted to revive their mother through human transmutation. Which led to Ed losing an arm and a leg and Al losing his entire body, so his soul was attached to an empty suit of armor. Basically, the point of this plot is that the brothers would look for a way to restore their bodies.

En resumen, esta historia trata sobre los hermanos Edward y Alphonse Elrick. Dos chicos que cometieron un pecado que los marcaría significativamente. Intentaron revivir a su madre mediante una transmutación humana. Lo que llevó a que Ed perdiera un brazo y una pierna y a que Al perdiera su cuerpo completo, por lo que su alma fue adherida a una armadura vacía. Básicamente, el objetivo de esta trama es que los hermanos buscarían la manera de restaurar sus cuerpos.




Thank you very much for reading my review. It is a pleasure to share with you. I look forward to posting in this community in the future. I send you all a big hug and hope you are having a good day.🎞️🎬

Muchas gracias por leer mi reseña. Es un placer compartir con ustedes. Espero poder publicar en esta comunidad en un futuro. Les mando un fuerte abrazo a todos y espero que estén teniendo un buen día. 🎞️🎬

Translator Deepl.com
All images edited by me using Photoshop

Traductor Deepl.com
Todas las imágenes editadas por mí usando Photoshop


Todos mis links aquí 👇 / All my links here 👇



Mi favorito de los que mencionaste es death note, es unos de los primeros animes de mi infancia y le tengo mucho cariño

Buena elección. Death Note es un anime muy bueno y se mantiene muy vigente luego de tantos años.
Saludos n.n

muy buen top, todos se ven geniales!

very nice top, they all look great!

Muchas gracias n.n

Tienes buenos gustos amigo. Dororo es una serie que he querido ver pero no he podido hacerlo.

Amigo, deberías verla. Está hecha hecha para gente que tiene poco tiempo libre. Por eso solo tiene 24 capítulos xd.
Saludos n.n

Thank you for sharing this post with the community and for preferring us, it is a pleasure for us to have you here.

We hope to see you soon. Best regards!

Thank you very much to you for creating this nice community.

One Punch Man is that kind of anime that I watch over and over again without any problem, it's the same thing that happened to me when I watched dragon ball, I watched repeated episodes and nothing happened.

Death Note I started to watch it, but for some reason I didn't follow it....

I can't say much about the others because I haven't seen them hehehehe.

Something similar happens to me. Every once in a while I like to watch some single scenes and I don't get tired of it haha. It's the best I can do until the next season comes out xd.
As for Death Note, it's a sin that you abandoned it. I hope you finish it soon.
Thanks for your comment.
Regards n.n

Of all of them I only saw Death Note and One Punch Man, Death note is exceptional, its characters, the story, the gloomy atmosphere, the plot twists, it was very well handled and we will never stop talking about this anime jeje 😍

One Punch Man I only watched the first season, I didn't like it that much, so I didn't continue watching it 😂

Like you left One Punch Man 💔
You break my heart haha
As for Death Note, it's normal that to this day it's still so relevant. Even though it's almost 2 decades old now, it still stands out for its plot and characters.
Thanks for your comment.
Regards n.n

Solo conozco tres animes de este top; son buenísimos todos. Te felicito, chico lindo.

Besos. 🙏💋💋

Entonces conoces la mayoría. Usted tiene cultura xd.
Gracias por tu comentario n.n
Saludos, linda 🌹

jaja besos chico lindo

Good top my friend. The only one I've seen is Death Note and it's absolutely amazing. I've heard great things about Dororo, in fact I have it on my to watch list, I think I should sit down and watch it.

Dude, you should watch Dororo, it's a beautiful story. Personally, I never get tired of recommending it and the best thing is that it's only a few chapters.
Thanks for appreciating my top, bro.

Death Note y One Punch Man los he visto y son de lo mejor, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood lo estoy viendo ahora mismo y me está gustando mucho, el segundo no lo conozco y Dororo tengo que verlo.

Excelente lista.

Cuando termines Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood espero que hagas una reseña o des tu opinión. Me gustaría leer tu punto de vista.
Gracias por pasar y comentar n.n
Saludos n.n