Recientemente terminé de ver "Mairimashita! Iruma-kun" y debo decir que fue una experiencia bastante intrigante y refrescante. Para aquellos que no están familiarizados con este anime, aquí les dejo una pequeña sinopsis:
"Mairimashita! Iruma-kun" sigue la historia de Iruma Suzuki, un chico de 14 años que ha tenido una vida difícil debido a sus irresponsables padres que lo hacían trabajar para vivir ellos desde muy pequeño. Un día, sus padres lo venden a un demonio llamado Sullivan. Sin embargo, en lugar de ser devorado o esclavizado, como cualquiera pensaría, Iruma es adoptado por Sullivan como su nieto y comienza a asistir a la escuela de demonios Babyls (extraño, lo se). A partir de aquí, Iruma debe mantener en secreto su identidad humana, ya que de lo contrario se lo comerían, mientras se adapta a su nueva vida en el inframundo, haciendo amigos y enfrentando diversos desafíos.
Desde el primer episodio me atrapó con su colorido y lindo estilo de animación. A primera vista, parece un anime alegre y despreocupado, pero pronto te das cuenta de que hay un trasfondo más profundo y triste, aunque no se explora en exceso. Este equilibrio entre lo ligero y lo emotivo es uno de los aspectos que más me gustaron.
I recently finished watching "Mairimashita! Iruma-kun" and I must say it was quite an intriguing and refreshing experience. For those of you who are not familiar with this anime, here's a little synopsis:
"Mairimashita! Iruma-kun" follows the story of Iruma Suzuki, a 14-year-old boy who has had a difficult life due to his irresponsible parents who made him work for a living from a very young age. One day, his parents sell him to a demon named Sullivan. However, instead of being devoured or enslaved, as anyone would think, Iruma is adopted by Sullivan as his grandson and begins attending the demon school Babyls (strange, I know). From here on, Iruma must keep his human identity a secret, otherwise he would be eaten, while adapting to his new life in the underworld, making friends and facing various challenges.
From the very first episode it grabbed me with its colorful and cute animation style. At first glance, it seems like a light-hearted and lighthearted anime, but you soon realize that there is a deeper and sadder undertone, although it is not overly explored. This balance between light-hearted and emotional is one of the aspects I liked the most.
Ver este anime fue una experiencia relajante que me transportó a mi niñez, cuando solía ver series mientras comía. Definitivamente, "Mairimashita! Iruma-kun" es perfecto para disfrutar durante una comida o antes de ir a dormir. Su trama es simple y no pretende ser algo del otro mundo, pero eso es precisamente lo que lo hace tan encantador. La comedia es ligera y efectiva, y los momentos épicos están bien distribuidos, manteniendo un buen ritmo que nunca se siente abrumador.
Como fan de los isekais, admito que este anime tiene un enfoque diferente. No se trata de un héroe que debe salvar el mundo, sino de un chico que simplemente intenta encajar en un entorno completamente nuevo y extraño. Esta perspectiva más relajada y entretenida es lo que más me gustó. "Mairimashita! Iruma-kun" es una serie que puedes ver sin preocuparte demasiado, ideal para aquellos momentos en los que solo quieres desconectar y disfrutar de algo divertido y ligero.
Otro punto a destacar es el desarrollo de personajes. A lo largo de la serie, vemos cómo Iruma madura y se adapta a su nueva vida, lo cual es muy gratificante. Es fácil encariñarse con él y con los demás personajes, cada uno con su propia personalidad y encanto.
Si buscas una experiencia tranquila, divertida y con momentos épicos, te recomiendo "Mairimashita! Iruma-kun". Es un anime que, sin ser demasiado complejo, logra atraparte y hacerte disfrutar cada episodio. Además, el desarrollo de personajes es notable, especialmente el crecimiento de Iruma, lo cual añade una capa extra de satisfacción al verlo.
Watching this anime was a relaxing experience that transported me back to my childhood, when I used to watch series while eating. Definitely, "Mairimashita! Iruma-kun" is perfect to enjoy during a meal or before going to sleep. Its plot is simple and doesn't pretend to be something out of this world, but that's precisely what makes it so charming. The comedy is light and effective, and the epic moments are well distributed, keeping a good pace that never feels overwhelming.
As a fan of isekais, I admit that this anime takes a different approach. It's not about a hero who must save the world, but a boy simply trying to fit into a completely new and strange environment. This more relaxed and entertaining perspective is what I liked the most. "Mairimashita! Iruma-kun" is a series you can watch without worrying too much, ideal for those moments when you just want to unwind and enjoy something fun and light.
Another point to highlight is the character development. Throughout the series, we see how Iruma matures and adapts to his new life, which is very rewarding. It's easy to become attached to him and the other characters, each with their own personality and charm.
If you are looking for a quiet, fun experience with epic moments, I recommend "Mairimashita! Iruma-kun". It's an anime that, without being too complex, manages to grab you and make you enjoy every episode. Also, the character development is remarkable, especially Iruma's growth, which adds an extra layer of satisfaction when watching it.
Iruma's story is so unique and fun, and the fact that he's not a typical hero makes him even more interesting. Also, the character development is a big plus; it's easy to get attached to him and his friends in the underworld. Without a doubt, it's a perfect series to relax and unwind.
Definitivamente hermano, me alegro que te haya gustado
se ve buena, excelente post!
looks good, excellent post!
Demasiada buena, te lo recomiendo una noche tranquila sola, te asustara
Ay se ve muy lindo el anime, de esos para ver sin preocupaciones ni angustias jeje. Buena reseña
Gracias Gracias, y si, es un anime muy bonito para pasar el rato
I like anime with a simple plot, but with a deep and catching story, complex plots are not for me because I never understand them haha 😂 looks nice and enjoyable for a quiet afternoon ❤️
It's a very good anime to be calm, relaxed and just enjoy, and yes, I share your opinion on overly deep animes 😅
I like this... Has the new season started yet? I miss the gang!!! 😍✨😎
Not yet, but I'm also waiting for it now.