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RE: Fantasy ~ Howl’s Moving Castle - Movie Review

in The Anime Realmlast year

This movie's animation seemed to me super good and fluid, besides quite colorful with unique and particular characters, and striking to the eye what I do see is that the film for me something without any kind of linearity, everything felt quite random and abstract but that does not detract from the beauty of the film plus the music that became quite iconic. I wish Sophie would have kept the scarecrow he was always there for her :(. Good post <3

Esta película la animación me pareció super buena y fluida, además de bastante colorida con personajes únicos y particulares, y llamativos a la vista lo que si veo es que la película para mi algo sin ningún tipo de linealidad, todo lo sentía bastante aleatorio y abstracto pero eso no quita lo bonita de la película además de la música que se volvió bastante icónica. Ojala Sophie se hubiera quedado con el espantapájaros siempre estuvo ahí para ella :(. Buen post <3


But she fell for Howl at first that's the reason she could not choose him. Anyways I didn't expect turnip to turn human in the end I thought he was a demon lol. Maybe if she knew he was a human then there would be a possibility?