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RE: Bucchigiri?! Anime Review 2024

in The Anime Realmlast year

If I could laugh with the goal of the protagonist where everything is fighting and confrontation and he is pending a totally different thing that is to lose his virginity, so I understand when you say that it can be a little annoying this type of characters and I do not doubt it but as the anime progresses I guess it will improve and lowering a little to this type of personality. I saw the trailer and the design of the characters seem to me super diverse and good. The main character is the only one who has a spirit, or are there other characters who have the same thing happen to him? It's interesting that this is not based on any manga or novel is the first time I hear something like that, Good post <3


You will like it i think!

Regarding your question, so far only another spirit has emerged which seems to be like the rival os Senya!