I don't usually bring music posts to this community, but I think I'll do it more often from now on, I had a lot of fun doing this cover and that of course encourages me to bring others. I made this bass cover because @tegoshei recently suggested it to me in a comment, I loved his idea and I planned to do it as soon as I had time, and well, today is the day. Anime openings or endings are undoubtedly a fundamental part of this otaku world, many of us listen to many of these songs and probably even became a fan of a band thanks to an anime.
The one I share today is not just another song, it is nothing more and nothing less than the second opening of Naruto which is performed by the band Asian Kung-Fu Generation, the song is called “Haruka Kanata” which means in English “Far and beyond”. We heard this opening between chapters 23 and 53, and well, I think all of us here remember with great affection the Chūnin exams, I think it was in that arc that I really became a fan of Naruto, each chapter was worth gold and listening to this song every time I went to see one was amazing, no doubt they were beautiful times.

Kake hiki wa nai sa sou da yo
Yoru wo nukeru
Nejikomu sa saigo ni
Sashihiki zero sa, sou da yo
Hibi wo kezuru
Gyutto hiki yosetara
Todoku yo kitto tsutau yo motto
Motsureru ashi dakedo mae yori
Zutto sou, tooku e
Ubaitotte tsukandatte
Kimi ja nai nara
Imi wa nai no sa
Dakara motto... haruka kanata
Kake hiki wa nai sa sou da yo
Yoru wo nukeru
Nejikomu sa saigo ni
Sashihiki zero sa, sou da yo
Hibi wo kezuru
Gyutto hiki yosetara
Todoku yo kitto tsutau yo motto
Motsureru ashi dakedo mae yori
Zutto sou, tooku e
Ubaitotte tsukandatte
Kimi ja nai nara
Imi wa nai no sa
Dakara, aa, haruka kanata
Muritsubusu no sa, shiroku
I hope this bass cover is to everyone's liking, if you want to suggest a song that you like, I'll try to schedule myself to bring it and share it with the community, thanks in advance for your support. See you soon!

- Band: Asian Kung-Fu Generation
- Track
- Support video
-Used tools/Herramientas usadas:
- Video recorded with: Samsung Galaxy A32
- Video edited with: CapCut
- Translator: DeepL Translate

▶️ 3Speak
Nice vibes
Thank you! Greetings!
This is a great opening of Naruto, one of my favorites of the first installment, although as I have said on several occasions, I have liked more of the Shippuden.
As always a great job my friend.
I am attentive to bring some opening of Shippuden, it is true that there are a lot of good ones there, but this particular song is very good.
I really appreciate your support and your words. Regards!
I'm glad to see that you followed the suggestion and shared such a beautiful song in the community. I look forward to listening to many more.
It is undoubtedly a beautiful song, I think many here will like it. I will surely bring many more anime songs to the community. Greetings!
That sounds great bro!
That's one of the coolest openings out there, you should launch a series with at least the most emblematic ones! Sounds very top notch, congratulations!
A big Hug!!
Yes, I plan to bring many more anime songs in the future, there really is a huge universe to choose from.
I'm really glad you liked it. Big hug!
Yaaaaay!!! Thanks for granting my request. The bass part of this song is one of my faves!!! 💙✨💙✨💙
It was a request I couldn't ignore, it's one of my favorite AKFG songs. And yes, the bass sound is very charateristic, it's great.
Yaaaay... glad to know that you also like this song... ^^
Brother, how great this performance with the Bass. I am a full fan of Anime, and Japanese rock. The electric bass has a firm and predominant position in this piece of music. I congratulate you for this wonderful work and for connecting us with the epic nature of anime.
Japanese rock has a very particular style in which the bass is given a lot of prominence, I love the nuances they give it, it's unique.
Thanks for your support, I'm glad you liked it. Regards!
Ya a los segundos de escuchar el baño reconocí la canción. Una joya ese Opening, de mis favoritos de todo Naruto.
Excelente video.
El bajo tiene un sonido muy distintivo, es fácil de reconocer, bueno, por lo menos para nosotros que somos fans 😅. En definitiva es una gran canción, a mi me trae muchos recuerdos.
Gracias por tu apoyo!
It sounds really great! I was never a fan of that song, but I recognize that it's one of the most iconic Naruto songs!
It is undoubtedly one of the most iconic songs of Naruto, especially because we heard it in the arc of the chunin exams which is what made us love this anime.
The instrumentals in the beginning immediately hit me with a ton of nostalgia. Haruka Kanata is one of the songs I used to sing before, and just hearing the bass at the beginning immediately brought back a lot of memories from the time I was still watching Naruto shounen jump...This is really a cool cover, and I'm really looking forward to the next one!
(PS. Can Go by Flow be the next one? I already heard some of its bass covers before, but I would like to hear your bass cover of it •ε•...)
The instrumental at the beginning of the song is very easy to recognize, so I understand you felt nostalgic listening to it, it's wonderful.
I will definitely play Go!!!! at some point, I love that song, especially their live versions, these make me jump haha.
Cooool! That song is indeed so catchy, and I'm definitely looking forward to your cover of it.

A quick one
If you want to enjoy this to the fullest, just use your earpod or headphones, because those base notes were just so amazing.
I had to use my headphones to listen to it again. I love how you play the guitar, and you were so fast and you followed the sound. How long did you practice this?💚💚💚
It's not exactly the guitar the instrument I play, actually it's the bass, and well, the truth is that I've been playing for some time at an amateur level, I couldn't tell you exactly how long. And yes, with headphones it sounds much better. Greetings!
We call it the bass guitar here that’s why I refer to it as guitar.🎸
I’m sure it must have been a lot of practice. I enjoyed listening to you play 🤍🤍🤍
How great that you have been suggested to upload anime covers here, it's an excellent idea since your covers are exceptional 😍 Buhito and I would love to keep listening to them. For Naruto fans this will be a jewel, I congratulate you for doing it, I loved listening to you, I've always been a fan of listening to anime covers through a musical instrument haha ❤️
Buhito would like to hear you playing some OP or ED from Bungo Stray Dogs 🦉 whichever one you like the most because Buhito likes them all haha Greetings!
I'm sure there are many opening of Bungo Stray Dogs that would be worthwhile, so I hope to do it in the near future, I really appreciate the suggestion.
I'm really glad that this cover was to your liking. See you soon!
Waoo!! 🤩👏 Una joya de sencillo de Naruto que gran tema, andas pro con la guitarra 🎸. Se nota que te gusta al 💯 @musicandreview, escogiste buen cover para presentarnos.
Si puedes haz alguno de Bring Me The Horizon y etiquétame está que soy muy fans de ellos bro. Saludos desde la isla de cuba 🇨🇺, Saludos 😉🫡👏. Excelente miércoles !!!
Ok, creo que puedo traer alguna canción de Bring Me The Horizon, son una excelente banda, lo tomaré en cuenta para el futuro.
Un fuerte abrazo, saludos!
Ohhh!! 🤩 Si si, así la guardo en mi galería del móvil recuerda etiquetarme @musicandreview para estar al pendiente!! Muchas gracias bro y muchos éxitos con la guitarra 🎸😊🙏🏻!!!
Bro, great touch, good vibes you give!!
I'm glad you liked it. Regards!
Amigo que bien se escucha, que micrófono tenes? Se escucha demasiado bien.
En cuanto al cover, te salió muy bien. Supongo que habrá llevado su tiempo en practicarlo.
Excelente habilidad con la guitarra, saludos, bro.
Me tomó una mañana practicarlo que para me saliera aceptable, y bueno, como es un instrumento en éste caso no usé un micrófono sino una interfaz de audio que permite que pueda grabar con calidad.
Me alegra que te haya gustado. Saludos!
The cover sounds amazing! It's a very iconic Naruto song and really evokes those intense moments of the Chūnin trials. The connection between anime and music is something magical, and it's great that you can contribute your version. I'm sure many fans will appreciate it, I hope to see more of your covers soon!
The chunin exams were what made me definitely connect with Naruto. It's true that there is a magic between anime and its opening/ending, both should always be connected.
It was a pleasure to share, see you soon with more. Greetings!
Awesome bass cover! This Naruto opening is the best of the best. Great job, keep it up!
It is undoubtedly one of the best opening of Naruto. Thank you for your support and your words.
Cheers 😁 wow how great it turned out for you. I love this theme, well, for any Naruto lover, that is. Super that you brought up the theme, a hit for sure.
It's true, any Naruto lover loves this song. It was a pleasure to share. Big hug!
heyyyyyy qqeu genial este cover!!! me motiva muchisimo ya que recien estoy entrando en esta plataforma y tambien hago covers frikis y de anime <3
aqui un seguidor nuevo
Que tal!! Excelente, esperamos verte pronto, de seguro nos traerás cosas super chéveres!
esta entre las canciones intro de naruto que mas me gustan. buen cover.