
I remember when it came out and it was a huge thing. People were really skeptical over it given Netflix was only just starting to jump into that world of animation.

I do remember it being pretty decent, but for some reason I ended up just not watching beyond one of the seasons. Perhaps it was a long season break or something, I can't remember.

I do also remember seeing some backlash over some of the more recent episodes though.

I watched the first season of Castlevania and I thought it was very good, the animation was excellent, but the pause between seasons made me lose interest and that's why when I found out that the last season would be released, I decided to watch the remaining seasons and enjoy the story completely.

With "Nocturne" to be honest, the two-year wait did not seem so long and after watching only 8 episodes of the second season, I understand the time they took to make one of the best animations I've seen from a Netflix production and I agree that in story it is not the best, but in the action scenes and animation, it is very good anime, a very entertaining one.

I am struck by how you highlight the animation as the strong point, especially the vibrant colors and dynamic scenes. Mixing the French Revolution with vampires sounds chaotic, but if the animation holds up, it might be worth it.

The French revolution thing is an excuse to keep the story within an ancient era which I appreciate because it uses very little reality in a story with a lot of fantasy; this season keeps the vampire factors because in the end it's part of the basis of everything in Castlevania, but the use of other types of creatures is also evident.

I will not get tired of praising the animation in this season, it is outstanding, it is the best, it is quite dynamic and is what I expect to see in an anime, character performing the impossible, if you have not seen it I recommend it.

I like this kind of action anime so much that I can keep it in my favorites list and maybe watch it sometime

This particular anime has a lot of action, it's a straightforward story that is resolved very quickly, I think that's a good feature and now that it's finished, I recommend it even more.

I hope you will be able to watch it soon

My anime list has a lot of anime that I haven't seen yet. I will try to see soon.

Thank you for sharing this post with the community and for preferring us, it is a pleasure for us to have you here.

We hope to see you soon. Best regards!

It's always a pleasure to write for the @theanimerealm community, I hope to soon finish Dragon Ball Daima and write my review and then focus on other new (to me) anime I want to watch.