Inu x Boku SS 「妖狐×僕SS」 Inu X Boku Secret Service (2012, 13 episodes)

in The Anime Realm3 days ago

Comedy about life of unintentionally rude schoolgirl and her insanely devoted bodyguard in high-security apartment complex for rich kids with supernatural abilities.

Not entertaining, primarily because the show fails to realise its potential and deliver comedy from good original idea of a character who is socially inept so she offends people accidentally, just because she does not know how to interact better. (I certainly sympathise to the concept.)

Unfortunately instead of having fun around situations, personalities and dialogues, the show often resort to pointless supernatural comedy, which is just not funny enough. And then, in episode 5, they've pulled one of the most inappropriate, dirty, disgusting things I've ever seen in anime: an obnoxious episodic character appeared to deliver dirty "jokes" to discomfort all characters but mostly viewers by saying things like "human-toilets" and continue with vulgarities for half an episode even after another character told him "as always, you take your jokes too far". I can't think of a better way to ruin the show on purpose... And worst of all, some episodes later that character returns to deliver the same obscenities again...
