Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 「からかい上手の高木さん 」:: Teasing Master Takagi-san (2018, 12 episodes; 2019, 12 episodes; 2022, 12 episodes; 2022 The Movie)

in The Anime Realm2 months ago

Sweet, mild, gentle and nice comedy about playful friendship of two schoolkids.
Takagi (master of teasing) is a first year student in a junior high school. She entertains herself by making fun with a fellow classmate. They play games like guessing test scores, where loser buys a (soft) drink. Their innocent games are never mean, cruel or inappropriate. Friendly "teasing" is not bullying as games often begin with invitation and consent to play.

Girl typically thinks two steps ahead of a boy. He have a lot of internal dialogue trying to figure out her plans, but she often reads his unspoken feelings better than he is able to express them. Shy boy always tries to come up with retaliation but fails over and over, slowly overcoming social awkwardness.

Good original idea that could be more sophisticated. This enjoyable show is repetitive and slow. "Teasing" is not getting more elaborate and a lot of potential for intellectual satisfaction is wasted. Second season is more of the same as the first season, although not worse. Only in third season viewers are rewarded with some little variations and a little romance. A movie is a nice conclusion of the story but also more of the same plus some melodrama...

This show provides consistent entertainment and it delivers well, but fails to expand and improve the original concept so viewers risk becoming bored with continuous repetition of the same pattern. There are no surprises in this show, which could be a good thing.

Romiya and Juliot are adorable.

https://myanimelist.net/anime/35860/Karakai_Jouzu_no_Takagi-san https://myanimelist.net/anime/38993/Karakai_Jouzu_no_Takagi-san_2 https://myanimelist.net/anime/49721/Karakai_Jouzu_no_Takagi-san_3 https://myanimelist.net/anime/49722/Karakai_Jouzu_no_Takagi-san_Movie

This show is an excellent material for studying Japanese and first two seasons are available on Animelon:

https://animelon.com/series/Karakai%20Jouzu%20no%20Takagi-san%20(Skilled%20Teaser%20Takagi-san) https://animelon.com/series/Karakai%20Jouzu%20no%20Takagi-san%202%20(Skilled%20Teaser%20Takagi-san%20Second%20Season)
