Kimi ni Todoke 「君に届け」 Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You (2009, 25 episodes)

in The Anime Realm6 days ago

Excellent show about romance and friendship in high school. Protagonist is so pure, honest and sincere that no bad rumours stick to her. She is also shy and lacks confidence so story develops slowly and 25 episodes feel maybe just a little too long but good nevertheless. Good character growth as by the end of the first season protagonist is a better person who is true to herself and not once tempted to lie for her benefit.

Good non-supernatural show about nice characters who resolve problems with integrity, honesty and good communication.

Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season 「君に届け 2ND SEASON」 Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You Season 2 (2011, 12 episodes)

Second season is worse because protagonist regressed by forgetting everything she have learned in the first season. Somehow she became even more shy and less confident...

The story develops around improbable misunderstanding of the most straightforward communication and the entire 12 episodes slowly peel away errors of mind-reading (when characters misconstrued intentions of each other). Situation is exacerbated by painfully irrational behaviour of main character, like when she shared chocolates with everybody except the person dearest to her heart...

#GrownUpAnimeReviews #AwesomeAnime


This type of anime is not the one I usually watch, but for some reason it caught my attention and then caught me as the protagonist manages to make friends and things are happening between her and Shouta, everything becomes more interesting, the blonde girl is very strong, her friend who plays baseball is very tall and has a particular character and a lot of patience to love someone who loves his brother even without hope, but everything seems to be giving little by little, I look forward to more seasons.