Mieruko-chan 「見える子ちゃん」 (2021, 12 episodes)

in The Anime Realm7 days ago

High-school girl sees ghosts of the dead and scary spiritual monsters but instead of freaking out she keeps her cool, maintains poker face and pretends to notice nothing. Usually that tactic works and ghosts eventually lose interest (probably thinking she can not see them) and go elsewhere. The end...
Just kidding, of course there is more to the story: protagonist makes a friend, saves few stray cats and even helps an elderly lady to remember forgotten combination for a safe (mumbled by hanging around ghost of her deceased husband)... However we learn nothing about protagonist's ability, her issue with ghosts or what can be done about them. No questions are answered, no explanation given and the story have no conclusion.

Instead of 12 episodes the whole story could have been told in just 2, 3 or 4 episodes.

Graphics is good enough but there is an annoying issue: before moving elsewhere "camera"/view-point often starts below the waist line, zoomed-in to girl's bottom or upper legs from the back. :(

