Clever and entertaining punitive psychiatry dystopia saturated with propaganda and therefore disgusting. How would you like "authorised musician" (i.e. licensed), "anti-social movement of vandals and anarchists", "anti-establishment anarchists who must be eliminated" and the whole foundational concept of automated psychological (no, psychiatric) profiling to determine whether a person should live, or be imprisoned, or be terminated on the spot? Glorified police enforcers fight "crime" to protect society, because such tyrannical oppressive regime would only hunt clever murderers, right? Show makes direct references to Orwell's "1984". Few moral dilemmas are presented but nothing impressive.
In the world portrayed by this show, citizens can be issued a healthcare directive for immediate institutionalisation. People with psycho-pass readings above threshold are imprisoned for life or recruited as headhunters for those with stress level above normal.
In episode 14 a person is slowly murdered with a hammer in the midst of a crowd and people just standing around, filming. Nobody interferes or even reports the crime. We are told that's because people no longer know what the crime is, and what to do about it.
People committing violent crimes calmly, without exceeding psycho-pass threshold, are hunted and "disappeared" quietly and unofficially without due procedure or report, with such cases being classified.
Authors imagined dystopia well but didn't care to present it as something bad or undesirable: all characters accept the system, even the victims.
Police hunt of a serial killer remotely resembles Death Note but without supernatural.
This show is alike "Minority Report (2002)" but worse, because it is based not even upon immoral concept of pre-crimes, but on idea of punishable non-crimes by merely assessing psychological state (with an instrument): got too angry? - off you go to prison to cool down; got very angry? - be terminated on the spot.
Dystopia of this show have another interesting aspect: people are assigned jobs based on their test score, so one character points out that in the old days you'd have to think for yourself what to do in life, and nowadays it is so much easier just to have a job assigned.
Dynamic story full of action and suspense.