This is a gross misrepresentation and mis-characterisation of this anime.
First of all, protagonist have no special abilities whatsoever. He does not control "Groundhog Day" loop and he is at mercy of forces that transported him into another world and keep restarting it, making him re-live the same situation over and over again. (Later it is hinted in the show that a powerful witch did that to main character.) It is not a skill.
Romance is unfulfilled promise in Re:Zero. It just never goes anywhere. Instead viewers get more than generous portion of emotionally manipulating tragedy, with not only protagonist dying in agony over and over again, but also everyone around him keep dying, despite his desperate efforts to save them, so he breaks down more than few times, going through complete emotional breakdown. That grotesque drama is nothing like what you've described.
World building of Re:Zero is genuinely interesting, especially in the beginning, but development slows down as quality of storytelling decline with progression of the show. Unsurprisingly it is unfinished, or as one might say there is "open ending"...
Alright thanks for the correction
I haven't read the light novel yet
I also only watched the anime series.